What I am Thankful for! #Thanksgiving #Thankful

WOW, I really cannot believe that it is a week from
Thanksgiving. The last couple of months have really flown by for me. Last year, I shared what was Thankful for,
and I wanted to do the same thing this year.
I am truly thankful for all of the encouraging words in
which I receive from my friends and family, and also from the blogger
community. (It is truly motivation for me, and I do not take it for granted.) I am Thankful for my wonderful son, who is so
kind hearted, and truly put a smile on my face every single day. I am thankful
for the little things in life that most days I take for granted, like being
able to call my parents, kiss my husband and cook for my family and friends. I
am thankful for all of the support that I have received and will receive for my
nonprofit… I truly have so much that I am thankful for!
What are you thankful for?

PS: My Linky Party is still going on if you would like to stop by :)
Thank You For Stopping By!

There is always something to be thankful for everday.
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I would love to read your thoughts... Thanks for sharing Happy comments :).
~Mrs. Delightful