(Picture captured with my Canon DSL Camera)
We made it!!! This week kicks off the first week of the school year. YAY, Unlike some parents, this was a bitter sweet moment for me. As many of you know Michael is my only biological child and he's 11. ( SN: where did time go?) I find myself now just holding on to ever moment.
I will never again feel the moments of a child entering into middle school again (sigh).
Anywho, I decided that I want to start this year off a little different. I usually take care of my business matters first, and than take care of the home ( cleaning,washing, dinner etc.). Nope, this idea hasn't been working. So now my goal is to have dinner cooked by noon or at least before they get home. Also, take advantage of more crockpot meals and do the prep work at night if possible. ( SN: the mister doesn't like the idea of freezer cooking, :()
I want to spend more time with homework instead of worrying about cooking dinner when my not so little guy gets home.
( picture above is from a gourmet brownie a made the first day if school that my four year old nephew did not want to wait to cool down. )
As most of you know, baking is therapeutic for me ( besides shopping) so, I would love to cook a homemade dessert at least once during the school week.
Well, are you changing things up this school year? any tips?