Happy Halloween! As a kid- Halloween was one of my favorite holidays. I was able to dress as my favorite characters, and simply live in the moment. Now, that I have my own family, with everything going on, I wanted to share a few safety tips, whether you're going trick or treating and/or simply spending time with family.
Halloween Safety Tips
- Carry disinfectant wipes and/or hand sanitizer with you.
- Have your children wash their hands as soon as they re-enter the home.
- Look both ways, I know this sounds simple, but it's not as simple as it sounds.
- Create rules prior to leaving your home
- Even if you have the right away. Look both ways.
- Have a buddy system when with small children.
- Carpool
- Prior to leaving ensure that each child can see out of their customs. (if applicable)
- Have the children hold hands.
- Do a headcount prior to proceeding on to the next home.
- Don't allow your children to eat the candy prior to it being inspected.
- Keep an emergency kit in the car and/or on you with the essentials
Tween/Teen Safety
- Do not eat the candy prior to your parents inspecting it.
- Trick or Treat in groups
- Look both ways while riding your bike or walking
- Let your parents know where your at, at all times
- Make sure your cell phone is fully charged
- Walk on the sidewalks (if applicable)
- Don't walk and text (be alert at all times of the area)
Car Safety tips
- Don't talk/text and drive (put the phone down at all times)
- Park your car and walk. I know you want the convenience of just being able to jump in your car when it's time to go. However, traffic on a popular street can be really hectic
- Reverse in the parking space (if applicable)
- If you're attending a party or even trick or treating at the mall. It's so much easier to try and reverse and park versus trying to back out of a parking space.
- Ask for help when leaving out a parking space or busy area. While trying to leave out of a parking space have someone an adult get out of the car to assist you. You will be amazed at how many children and adults will walk in front and behind a car while it's in motion.