Michael,I remember when I took you to your job interview, and how excited you were about getting a job.
First I would like to start off by saying Happy 19th Birthday! I can’t believe it's been a year since I wrote an open letter to you for your 18th Birthday, and three years since your 16th Birthday. Boy, a lot has changed since then. I remember going in for a routine check-up on 2/26/2003, and my doctor stated that she would see me next week. I remember waking up early in the morning of 2/27/2003, and I just couldn't go back to sleep. I thought my water broke and contacted the on-call doctor, and she told me to head to the hospital. I was indeed in labor, and you came within a few short hours.
I remember taking you to purchase your first car. You were super excited to be able to drive to school.
I remember coming home the day of your graduation, driving in separate cars, and watching you run across the field to get into line with your cap and gown.
Michael, I’m proud of you! I’m proud of the young man and adult in which you’re becoming.Love Always,
As you transition into young adulthood...
I want to figure out what your “why” is in life. Though this may change throughout the years. Always know what inspires and motivates you in life. Always have a “why”, and use it as a daily reminder to keep pushing.
Michael, please remember, that life will be hard, and at times life will feel unfair. You may even think “why do others have it easier than me?”. Focus on you, focus on working harder. Focus on your WHY. Spoiler alert, there will always be a rainbow at the end of any storm you go through. Use those times as motivation, and add it to your testimony… Also, remember to always work really hard for whatever you want in life. You got this Michael!