My 5 Morning Routines for a Productive Morning

by - 9/08/2021 12:00:00 AM


It's offically back to school time, and I find myself slowly but surely getting back into my daily routines. I'm often asked what's my secret to having a productive morning, and honestly for me it's all about having some type of structure and rotines. Like most kids, I didn't realize the important of having some type of structure, as an adult, I love by having structure and routines. 

Make My Bed
I get it, some people make their beds, and others dont. Making my bed is simply apart of my day. Something about having my bed made really starts off my day. 
My exercise routine really has changed throughout the years, when I was on my weightloss journey I would complete 10k before the sun was up. Though I still love reaching my steps goals. I try to incorporate yoga into my day as well. 
My beverage of choice before I have anything to eat or drink (besides water) is a warm lemon or lime water. It has so many amazing benefits. I wrote an entire post about it here and even shared the recipe on my YouTube channel here.

Ideally, I would like to write in my journal at night. However, it typically works best for me to write in my journal prior to working out in the mornings. It's a great opportunity to write what I'm thankful for and stuff that has happened since my last entry. I think it's also a great way to clear my mind.

Plan The Day
What has worked for me is creating a to-do list the night before and working on my daily plan once I've completed my daily workout. During this time I review my “to-do list” and planner. This is very important because it's so easy to forget about meetings, appointments, and conference calls.

Do you have any daily routines?

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  1. Thanks for sharing your morning routines. Mine is always hectic with two kids going school and hubby going for work.

  2. I love journaling as well. Writing is one of the best creative outlets. Another daily routine of mine is going for walks.

  3. This sounds like a relaxing way to start the day. My mornings tend to be a little chaotic and I could use your tips to make things go more smoothly.


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