Things I'm Looking Forward To This Summer

by - 5/16/2021 12:00:00 AM

Though it feels like just yesterday it was the first day of spring. It's been cold, rainy, and not that warm in my state. I'm honestly longing for those warm summer days in my state. I can't help to think about what I'm looking forward to this summer.

Things I'm Looking Forward to This Summer 

Due to all, that's going on. I'm not sure if we're having a ton of festivals in my state. For the ones we are having, I'm looking forward to attending those.

Summer Treats
Looking forward to summer treats, whether it's sweets or even grilled food. I'm totally looking forward to my summer favorites.

Day Trips
Like most. last summer I did not go anywhere. I'm looking forward to day trips this year. 

The Rose Garden

Looking forward to visiting the Rose Garden this Summer when it's in full bloom. I know I talk about this garden every year. However, it's absolutely beautiful to see in person. 

Fruits & Veggies
I'm a huge fan of fruits and veggies, and I love when watermelon is in season.

Longer Days
One of my favorite things about the spring and summer months is the longer days. I'm totally looking forward to those. 

Though, I started my garden early and late. I'm looking forward to gardening this year. I really should have invested in garden lights. But I'm thankful for winter sowing.

What are you looking forward to this summer? 

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  1. You have a nice list here. I am looking forward to sleeping in and our Disney trip in July!

  2. I too am looking forward to fresh veggies. I planted a garden this year and hope to have plenty of veggies.

  3. The best thing that I would love to during summer was collecting and planting some of variety plants and looking forward to do some day trip soon. Such a great list!

  4. I'm looking forward to backyard bbq's with friends, pool days, and a way more relaxed schedule!

  5. I love fruits a lot. And my whole family goes crazy over watermelon. We love to eat those huge watermelon!

  6. I'm with you on the fruits in season. They much nicer aren't they!!!


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