My Mommy Style Monday:

by - 5/10/2021 12:00:00 AM

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Happy Monday! I hope you had an amazing weekend, and for the Moms. Happy Mother's Day! It was so nice to spend time with family this past weekend, and also spend time in my garden. Mother's Day was really relaxing, and it was sunny during the day for the most part. The weather in Connecticut has been pretty wacky. It's actually been pretty cold for my liking. Thankful that it's starting to warm up. Anywho...
How was your weekend? 

 Amazon Dress: HERE Flip Flops: Old Navy

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  1. That is a cute dress. Amazon has some cute clothes for sure.

  2. I am loving this dress. I'm glad you enjoyed your Mother's Day!

  3. Great looking dress and shoes. I need to get to Amazon and try one of these this season.

  4. That flowy dress looks so beautiful on you�� Love the print and style!

    Everything Enchanting

  5. I love that pattern on you! The dress fits so beautifully too.

  6. Wow, that dress is beautiful, and it looks really good on you. I love it!

  7. I love that print. It looks great on you. I love the flowy dress.

  8. Such a pretty print. I am loving Amazon wardrobe! I can't wait for warmer weather so I can wear summer clothes like this.

  9. Happy Mother's Day!!! I love the dress, it's so pretty and summery.

  10. Hope you had a wonderful Mother's days. You are hot mommy love your summery dress.

  11. Pretty dress! I just got me a new pair of flip flops from Old Navy too. Love their flip flops. -LYNNDEE


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~Mrs. Delightful

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