Holiday Cards

by - 11/03/2011 07:45:00 AM


After looking at over 800 cards...We went with choice 4!

Yes! It's that time of year. I am so happy to pick out Christmas Cards for my family. There are so many options to choose from. I usually send a greeting via email. However, this year, I will be sending our holiday cards in the mail! I love receiving holiday cards in the mail. Don’t get me wrong, I have sent plenty of cards via email. However, it is something special to me about opening a holiday card from a friend or family member. Plus in our home, we display and cards that are sent to us.
Here are my top picks:

via Choice: 1

I will have to try to get hubby to go for this one. He may think it is way to girly . I'm tired of the boring holiday cards with the gold, winter green and red theme. I have a box full of them.
via Choice: 2

I adore this card! This is definitely one of my favorites.

via Choice: 3

I love the girly touch in this card.

via  Choice: 4 The Winner!

This is another one of my top favorites. I love the different elements of this card.

...Their are so many cards to choose from. I know we are not going to go the traditional route. I will keep you guys updated with the card my family actually choose.

Do your family send out holiday cards every year?

~Mrs. Delightful

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  1. I usually send out cards! I need to get some holiday pictures of Peyton to get some ordered. I will be getting mine at Tiny Prints.

  2. Peyton's mom:

    Tiny Prints has adorable cards. We are going with a photo card also.

    PS: Thanks for stopping by

    ~Mrs. Delightful

  3. I, too, am trying to figure our our Christmas cards for this year. I love the ones you narrowed it down to.

  4. We always plan on it and it never happens :( But this year I'm determined to make it happen! We going to take pictures over the weekend

  5. Mrs. Chic

    I actually used some random pictures. We were supposed to take Christmas pictures... maybe next year.

    ~Mrs. Delightful


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I would love to read your thoughts... Thanks for sharing Happy comments :).
~Mrs. Delightful

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