My Mommy Style Monday: A Touch of Animal Print

by - 4/30/2018 12:00:00 AM

I hope everyone had a pretty epic weekend. Trying to get back to the swing out taking outfit pictures. It's starting to actually feel like spring in Connecticut which I'm enjoying every minute of it. Michael is back with football workouts and our daughter will be returning home from her first year of college pretty soon. Last week I started back working in my garden. Looking forward to sharing my garden plans with you guys soon. Back in March, I planted sugar snap peas. Super excited about those. 

Anywho, how was your weekend?

Attire Breakdown 

Top: the Banana Republic | Jacket: Grace Elements | Earrings: Charlotte Russe | Jeans: Bob's Stores Shoes: Target | Necklace: Soufeel   Save 15% off when you use the code "Tasheenaja115" 

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  1. I am all about the animal prints! I Haven't worn any in a while, but I have some great cheetah print flats that I need to bring out of retirement.

  2. I love the animal print jacket. I have several animal print pieces because they are classic and seem to never go out of style.

  3. Interesting to see the animal prints are back in style. I have a friend who has been waiting on this for a few years now. Will have to go shopping and get me a great looking jacket like yours.

  4. This is a lovely look. I do like the animal print. I don't think I own anything like that. I basically live in jeans and t-shirts and sneakers.

  5. You look absolutely amazing! I have a friend that loves anything animal print but especially leopard print! Her birthday is coming up so I may have to get her something like this.

  6. I always loved dressing in animal prints or stripes but only have one jacket now. This was a great look for you with those jeans, enjoy the weather.

  7. I don't always wear animal print but I do make sure that I pick elegant looking pieces like this! I really love how you styled your outfit, you look gorgeous!

  8. Love the jacket - it is quite posh. I love a touch of animal print as well. I have a pair of leopard sneakers that are always fun to wear.

  9. I love this look. The black and sleekness of the outfit paired with a fun animal print jacket is a great look.

  10. Love your style, this jacket is very stylish, it looks good on you! Oh, I love the shoes!

  11. Loving that jacket. Animal prints are awesome on jackets. The total outfit is just great

  12. This outfit looks amazing! I am loving that coat, it seems like a perfect one for this time of year. I do not like bulky coats in spring but sometimes a light one is needed.

  13. It was a pretty hectic weekend as we needed to do all the last minute things before we left for our vacation! I really love that outfit on you! You look so fierce.

  14. I have always loved leopard print. This jacket is seriously super cute!

  15. I could see me totally rocking this jacket. Leopard print will never go out of style.

  16. I love a good animal print jacket! The whole outfit is so adorable. Love your style.


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