Kitchen Basket ( From Drab to Fab )
This little basket has been floating around my home for some time now. My mom had it in her home and I mentioned to her that I would love something like it for the kitchen and she gave it to me. I've been saying that I was going to spray paint it for the longest. Seeing how I really only get the chance to spray paint things in the warmer months. I thought now would be the perfect time to get this mini project out of the way.
I'm so happy with the way it turned out. seeing how this basket is wire. I really wasn't sure how it was going to turn out. I didn't do any prep work to the basket (which I'm sure I probably should have ) I did add several layers to ensure that it was properly covered with the gold spray paint. I do love the way it turned out. It really reminds me of an egg basket :).

Anywho, Any new spray paint projects in the works?
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~Mrs. Delightful