Chewy Vegan Blondie

by - 6/19/2018 12:00:00 AM


As you guys know I have a major sweet tooth. I love desserts and as I am focusing on living a healthier lifestyle. I’m always looking for a healthy alternative to our every day treats. For the past couple of years, I’ve been seeing recipes that include chickpeas, black beans, white beans and honestly I was really skeptical about having beans in my dessert at first. To be honest with you, one of the things that convinced to give it a try was having the breakfast cake. That cake is so yummy so moist and I said you know what if I’m going to give zucchini a chance. I should try giving beans in my dessert as well. When I was making the recipe, and I was putting the batter in the pan. I decided to try a sample off of the spoon. Honestly, I said to myself we’re on to something with this recipe. I placed the batter in the oven and I want to say within 30 to 40 minutes the recipe was complete. It was so delicious I made again that same week let me just be honest. I’m like completely out of stock of chickpeas now that I've been making this recipe so often. I’ve made this recipe several times With a couple of variations. This recipe is so yummy that my meat eater spouse loves it as well. And that only did he ask to try it. He also asked for seconds. How cool is that?! This is one of those recipes that I will have in rotation. I love that it doesn’t require a lot of ingredients it also doesn’t require a lot of measuring which I love.

Chewy Vegan Blondie Recipe

  • 1 can chickpeas
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/4 cup maple syrup ( you can add 1/3 cup if you prefer it sweeter ) 
  • 1/2 cup nut butter ( I like using 1/2 raw almond and half raw peanut butter )

  1. Preheat oven 375
  2. Rinse chickpeas and set aside.
  3. Combine all ingredients, including the chickpeas in a food processor. Pulse a couple of times and mix on low until smooth. 
  4. Place in a square baking pan
  5. Bake for 25 minutes 
  6. Allow to cool and enjoy! 

Have you ever had a dessert made with chickpeas?

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  1. My sister in law is a vegan and we happen to all be heading to New Hampshire on Friday for a week away with my husband's entire family, so I will have to make her some of these.

  2. I'm crazy about chickpeas but I've never had a dessert made with them. I have to try this because I do love a good blondie, especially if it's vegan.

  3. This looks like a great bar to keep on hand. Always looking for a great treat to keep handy.

  4. I've never had chickpeas as a dessert before. It's quite an interesting recipe and great treat idea for your vegan friend.

  5. These look tasty! I've always enjoyed blondies. I've never tried a vegan version before, but I'd be up for one!

  6. I haven't had a blondie in years! It's not something I always make but this recipe, I've got to try (especially since it's vegan - and my best friend is a vegan so it's a great excuse to share a treat with her).

  7. That looks absolutely amazing! I've never thought about using chickpeas has a sweet treat. I am very intrigued so I definitely think I will try it.

  8. I love blondies! This one looks like a really tasty vegan version of a classic treat.

  9. I love this baking recipe. Something about a Blondie bar is so decadent, and your use of chick peas is genius.

  10. Now that looks delicious and healthy too. You can take a bite without feeling the guilt.

  11. Ive never had anything like this before. Sounds really good.Thanks for the recipe.

  12. I've never used chickpeas in dessert recipes before! That's really interesting amd it's a nice twist to make a recipe healthier! Thanks for this one!

  13. ohh! Looks so good, I'm saving this recipe. I've made black bean brownies before- they were good!

  14. What an interesting recipe. I never thought to make a dessert with chick peas, but I do love them!

  15. Wow. I didn't know that Vegan food could sound so good. This looks a must try as I am the type of person who is up for almost anything.

  16. If anyone can convince me that beans in brownies can be tasty, it is you. These look amazing!

  17. I have never tried making something like this before and I guess this time I can try this out. Will be trying out this recipe over the next week. Thanks to you!


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