Habitat For Humanity Restore- (What have my eyes on)
So my Local Habitat for Humanity Restore is officially becoming a problem. I have several items in which I'm hoping makes it to the next price drop. More of a want... Today I was able to goto my local store and I found the last two items pictured. The rest were from a prior trip.
I always wanted a canopy bed with sheer curtains hanging all around it. This baby was going for $240.
They had several of these chandeliers. From $13-$30. I would like to spray paint this beauty and add it to my kitchen banquet area.
We could really use these white shelves. If not in our very little hallway it could possibly go in my bed room to house shoes.
I was drooling over this baby. It was a little over $100. I could see myself painting this buffet table Matt white or black with gorgeous pulls.
So there we have it my fines from my local Habitat for Humanity restore.
Any new finds lately?
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~Mrs. Delightful