My Mommy Style Monday: What I Wore for My Birthday

by - 2/04/2019 12:00:00 AM

Happy Monday! I realized that I never got around to sharing with you guys what I wore for my birthday last Sunday. I didn't go out and buy anything special. I'm a pretty low key type of person. I was hoping to visit the Sugar Factory to celebrate though. However, I took a rain check for another day. Anywho... How was your weekend?

Attire Breakdown

Top: PinkBlush Jeans: GAP Necklace: Tiffany Bag: Louis Vuitton Shoes: Target 

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  1. Your outfit was well put together. I love everything including your hair. Happy belated birthday by the way!

  2. That is a really cute outfit. It's casual and chic! And can we just talk about how pretty your hair is for a sec?

  3. I really like your outfit! Your top is gorgeous. I love everything about it - color, style and fit. You look beautiful and happy belated birthday!

  4. Happy late birthday. Love that blouse and the sleeves. Like the boos just need for myself to change out the heel

  5. This is such a great outfit. I really like the color of your top. Happy belated birthday to you! I normally am in jeans and a t-shirt on my birthday. And flats. I walk like a newborn horse in heels.

  6. I love your shirt and also Happy Birthday to you even though its late. Have a nice day and a wonderful week.

  7. You look absolutely gorgeous! Happy birthday I hope it was a wonderful day. With the way you dress I am sure you turn heads.

  8. Yes Tasheena! Loving it all, the hair, the boots, the bag! Absolutely gorgeous! Happy Belated Birthday! You look amazing.

  9. I love the sleeves on your top, you have great style! Hope you had an amazing birthday.

  10. Happy Birthday! I love the entire ensemble. The sleeves on the top are so beautiful.

  11. Happy birthday! I love everything about this post: Your hair, the outfit....everything! I hope you enjoy your birthday!

  12. THis is cute! You know I can't do the heels but you are working it. I need to step my color up for my wardrobe

  13. That blouse is absolutely brilliant! The cut flatters you so well and it's so feminine and unique!

  14. First, Happy Birthday! That outfit is so cute! I love the top. I would totally rock that.

  15. You are super cute in that darling top. I love it and that color on you. I think the softness of the top and with your hair... you are a knock out! :)

  16. This top is adorable on you!! I wish I could wear something like that!!

  17. I can never pull off that kind of top but you definitely can, it looks great on you. I love the shoes!

  18. Happy Birthday! I love that top and the color on you. I can't do flow but I do love the look

  19. Happy Birthday! I love everything about your outfit! The shirt is absolutely gorgeous on you!


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