Why Moms Need a Bedtime Routine

by - 7/25/2018 12:00:00 AM

As a mom sometimes we put so much into creating structure and routine’s for our children that sometimes we forget about ourselves. If you follow me on social media you know that I try my best to at least have a self-care day at least once a week, especially on a Sunday, is such a nice way to rejuvenate myself and really refresh for the new week ahead. Today I’m sharing some reasons why as a mom it really helps when we really sit down and we have a bedtime routine.

Why Moms Need a Bedtime Routine

I found out having a bedtime routine really helps with clarity and one of the reasons that I say that is because typically the night before or as I’m winding down for the day I create a to-do list for the next day and what that does is I’m already prepared to tackle the next day ahead. I don't have a million things on my mind hindering me from going to sleep. I know what I need to do for the next day.

As a mom having a bedtime routine really provide you with the structure that you need. I know it’s so easy to provide structure for the kiddos however as an adult you need structure as well. Knowing typically what time you're going to bed and what you need to do prior to your bedtime provides you with the peace of mind a structure that you need.

Having a bedtime routine is actually like giving yourself a mini reward. Let's face it, all great parents deserve a reward. Your bedtime routine you could easily include reading a book painting your nails and creating a skin care routine the possibilities are really endless and what’s nice about this is that it actually gives you the treat to look forward to at the end of each day.

Having a bedtime routine as a parent really actually saves time. It provides you with knowing what you have to do and accomplish each night and it also saves time because you’re not running around like a chicken with your head cut off of trying to figure out what you need to do each night. For instance, if it's making sure the kid's lunches packed, all of the documents that they need to sign are signed. Everyone’s clothes for the next day is out.  You already took a shower so the next step is maybe to reward yourself with reading a book instead of literally looking for things to do and making sure that you’re not forgetting stuff. You have a routine, you're not looking for stuff to do as a parent. Which saves you time each day to do more of what you love.

Do you have a bedtime routine?

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  1. I do have a bedtime routine. I keep my favorite lotion on my nightstand and I always rub lotion on my hands and feet before going to bed. It's so relaxing and it moisturizes while I sleep.

  2. I definitely have a bedtime routine. Typically it starts with fall asleep on the couch though LOL. But it but usually what I do is get up brush my teeth relax for a little bit and then shut off the light to go to sleep.

  3. You are so right on this! Structure in our routines each day keeps us going. I've noticed when I work late and then sleep in the next day I'm just off all day. Thanks for this!

  4. I love getting in bed, getting cozy and reading for awhile. It helps me relax and fall asleep. I usually put lotion on my hands too.

  5. I love to have my quiet time at night before bed. Unfortunately, my youngest doesn't like to be alone at night so I rarely get that time.

  6. This is true, and I try to have a routine. Some nights are better than others, but most are the same. I love to read before bed.

  7. I'm so so bad at this. Having a newborn definitely makes it more challenging though!

  8. I have a kind of long routine of a shower, tea, etc. It helps me wind down at the end of a busy day. I can always tell when I have skipped something in my routine because it takes me longer to fall asleep.

  9. Wow, what a great post! I do have somewhat of a bedtime routine but, it is so hard to implement every night. I usually shower, lotion down and play a few games on my phone..lol Before long I'm down.

  10. I definitely have a routine at night. The only problem is that my 5 kids disregard my routine and ruin it! Some nights it does go smoothly and then I sleep really soundly.

  11. Having a routine for everything helps. I don't think I can live without routines. Our parents set them right from the start and we don't have a problem with it.

  12. I think I do. I mean sometimes I don't take my make-up off til real late, and then I'm tired. I guess I still do the same things each night before bed but I think I need to start my routine earlier in the night that way I'm not so rushed and it gives me time to relax.

  13. I believe that everyone needs a bedtime routine but mothers need it the most. They take care of the house, the kids, and everything else the whole day and they definitely need some down time that will allow them to feel relaxed and help them sleep better in the evening!

  14. I have been successful this year for going to bed early. The only time I get distracted is when I bring my phone in bed. I have to quit doing that.

  15. i don’t have a set bedtime. i have a set wake up time though. i agree for mother’s of young kids especially that a set routine is beneficial for all parties. i notice J functions much better with a schedule

  16. Great tips! Totally agree that we need a bedtime routine. Unfortunately, my includes finishing up work.

  17. I totally have a bedtime routine that I have kept for years now and I find that it has helped me on so many levels.

  18. Routine's are so important. I think we all need them, more so when you're a Mom because Mom brain is real!

  19. "reward yourself with reading a book instead of literally looking for things to do" Babushka has been guilty of this one. Now a fun game helps to end the day on a good note. Destressing Delight.

  20. I am not yet a mom but I agree that they should have a bedtime routine. Actually it is advisable for everyone to get enough sleep and rest so you are recharged for the next day.


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