Spring Break! What Did You Do?
So here’s what I did this time around. I created a list of
places we can visit based on the specials that were going on this week. I didn’t
create anything fancy. I created a list Monday-Friday. Looked up the weather
and then looked up deals. For instance, our local movie theaters have $5.00
movies all day on Tuesday’s. So guess where we were on Tuesday? Yup, the
movies, I also research Groupon and other similar sites. My son has requested
to go to the mall. Seeing how a trip to the mall for him means more than just
going to the mall…
I really wanted to bring him to New York this week. However,
I’m trying to stay firm with my budget. (That’s one of the reason I checked the
weather. I also, checked the weather to see what would be the perfect day this
week to go out for ice cream. Seeing how it rained all day Monday and partial
showers on Tuesday. Anywho, who did you do with your children during spring
break. Any great tips?
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I would love to read your thoughts... Thanks for sharing Happy comments :).
~Mrs. Delightful