Football Mom? Football Season? First Game!

by - 9/12/2013 07:38:00 AM

(In route to the game, my view from the passenger side)

Last Sunday was my son and stepson first game. This was a bitter sweet day for me seeing how we had to be at the football field pretty much all day (they are on two separate teams), and to make matters worse it was not a home game. Therefore we had to travel a half hour to the location. (Trust me this is not a rant post.)  

So we had to pretty much be there before the game started, so for anyone that follows me on social media. You know when I’m in an unknown location, the first thing I’m searching for on my phone is the nearest thrift/consignment store and boy did they have several in the area. But they were ALL closed due to it being Sunday??? I got so excited because they had Goodwill less than a mile away but it was a donation center. *sigh*
My baby was putting on his sad face :( (his team did win)

I spent most of my son’s game running up and down the field taking pictures. (I love my DSLR camera did I mention it’s almost my DSLR camera one year anniversary?  I’ll save this topic for another post)

 By the time my stepson got on the field I was exhausted and ready to go home. I felt so bad it being his actual first game. I was still able to snap a couple of pictures of him though. (I’ll do better next time)

Anywho, I’m sure the picture below speaks volumes. I was caught off guard by the photographer and when I noticed he was taking pictures, I really tried to pose and have a photo session, LOL. ( I think he caught wind of it and didn't use those pictures, hehe)

Thank You For Stopping By!

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  1. There is one lady who has a son that plays with us and she has two daughters one cheers for another team the other has dance on Saturdays. She has to drop off, pick up, and drive and can never stay more than 10 minute to each child's activity we feel so bad for her and try to pitch in and help

  2. I so HEART football Mommies!!!!! I know it has to be a lot of work, time, and effort put forth for the kiddies to participate in these sports! I had to do it with my daughters when they played soccer. Glad u could capture the moment but hate u were running back & forth as I could only imagine! Thanks for sharing!


  3. Hopefully this week's game will have a different outcome for your son. Just stopping by to welcome you to the Social Fabric Community!

  4. Oh what a super cutie! I love football season!

  5. I am cracking up at you saying you tried to pose for camera but he did not use those pics! Go head Football Mommy!!!


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