Just Me And My Friday!

by - 3/15/2013 11:13:00 AM

(Bellagio Hotel in Vegas, I think?)

Friday already? This weekend I will be planning Our East Dinner, we plan on having a couple of friends and family over... How cool would it be to have an Easter Egg Hunt in our backyard???!!! I’m sure the kids will love it as well, and I also could decorate the brown lunch bags I have as little bunnies (the ideas are flowing in, LOL)… Mini-me basketball season has officially ended, and his team won their last game. (It’s not all about winning but, it put a smile on his face). I still have to purchase a memory card for my DSLR camera I really would like to start having a series of our weekend in pictures, or Wordless Wednesdays so we will see!(side note: does anyone know of any reputable places online that sales good quality camera stuff for a good price?) I still have so many little projects that I need to get done around the house. (***sigh**)

Well, enough about me, I would love to know how everyone is doing.

Any weekend plans?

 I would like to apologize for the Lnky Party this week. I have no idea what happened... the party will resume back next week :)

PS: Thank you to everyone who linked up to my linky party this week!!!!

Thanks For Stopping By!

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  1. This weekend we will be doing a little, I mean a lot of, spring cleaning. We are hosting our annual egg hunt next week and I have a gazillion things on my to do list. Plus my kids are out on spring break for the next two weeks.

  2. I love the idea of the bags and bunnies and hunt. I can't wait until Nadia is sold enough to appreciate and participate in this stuff. She's only 16 months now soooo...


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