8 Fall Comfort Food Recipes

by - 9/25/2018 12:00:00 AM

It's finally Fall, I can’t believe it! Though I’m a little bitter. It’s really bittersweet because I love Christmas and the warmer months. Though I’m trying to hold on to all of the warm weather that I can get. It’s time to start embracing Fall. Yes, pumpkin everything and comfort food are in full effect. No worries if you’re worried about winter weight gain. I woke a full blog post on how to prevent it here.

As a busy mom, I have my go-to recipes on hand to make on a whim, especially good ole comfort food recipes. Many of these recipes I make for my family on a weekly basis. I try my best to menu plan on a weekly basis as well. However, I do love the concept of menu planning on a monthly basis for convenience purposes. It’s so easy to forget to menu plan.

Anywho, a lot of the recipes use the same or similar ingredients and can be prepared in advance to save time in the kitchen. One of my favorite recipes to make for my family is Salisbury Steak. I have so many wonderful childhood memories from my mom making this dish and it’s perfect for the fall months too.

Do you have a favorite comfort food?

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  1. I think what I would do is just bookmark this and use this as my meal plan for next week LOL. All of this looks absolutely delicious and it looks like they're not hard to make.

  2. All those recipes are comfort food that is for sure. We will be eating those when the weather cools off more

  3. mmmm!! Comfort food. All of these sound so good. There are some meals that I find to be comfort foods, but really only my dad can make them - that's what makes them comforting after all! ;)

  4. Fall comfort food recipes are the best! I will definitely have to make some of these soon. They look delicious!

  5. I am drooling. I am all about comfort foods. These all look delicious! I think I'll start with the chicken pot pie first.

  6. There are so many great comfort food recipes here. Once the weather gets cooler, I love to take out my slow cooker and make comforting food like this. I got some great inspiration here!

  7. Those BBQ chicken recipes are calling my name. They look tasty.

  8. All of these recipes sound perfect for autumn. I've made a bunch of cornbread lately.

  9. Oh comfort food would really hit the spot. Corn bread and chicken pot pie would be delicious right now!

  10. The weather just got cold here today and all I can think about is comfort food! These all sound great, I will have to save a bunch of these.

  11. Oh my, you hit all my spots! I love all these comfort foods for varying reasons, but there they all are!

  12. Oh gosh I would love to make that homemade cornbread this weekend with my homemade veggie soup!! Thanks for this!!

  13. I'm living for that BBQ chicken or cornbread. I love comfort food. Thanks for this list!

  14. Comfort foods are a must. I just had BBQ chicken last night but I was missing the corn bread. These recipes look amazing and I am ready to start cooking.

  15. These are some of my son's favorite to eat. Homemade cornbread are the best, It's been a while since I made some.

  16. you gotta have cornbread in there! Always pair it with a good chili too!

  17. That cornbread looked delicious. I'm always searching for ways to make cornbread. I like mine very moist.

  18. These are all great! I love cornbread and that recipe looks amazing. Yum, yum, yum! I'll make it with a pot roast this weekend.

  19. Indeed such great foods. Totally a comfort food! I love all of it but I guess my first pick would be the Baked BBQ Chicken.


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