22 Frugal Things I’m Doing To Save Money in 2022

by - 1/19/2022 12:00:00 AM

Last year I skipped creating this post, however, it's so important for me to stay on top of my spending habits, and try to be more resourceful. Below, I'm sharing 22 Frugal Things I'm Doing to Save Money in 2022.

22 Frugal Things I’m Doing To Save Money in 2022

Buy What I love ( For Myself)
In the past, I've purchased so many things due to mom guilt or simply because it was a good price. When honestly, I wanted something else. I would like to focus more on purchasing pieces that I actually love, and not stuff that would be content with for the time being. 

Email/Text Subscriptions 
Remember to signup for email/text messages to save on purchases. I recently saved 20% off a purchase just for signing up for their email subscription. 

Last year I allowed some points to expire due to trying to wait until a reached the next level of a reward tier, and honestly, I should have just used the rewards. 

Receipt Pal
I started using the Receipt Pal app a couple of years ago. You pretty much scan your receipts and you can earn points that you can use points to earn gift cards to stores like Amazon and Target. This is one of my favorite ways to save money. 

Meal Plan
Meal planning saves me and my family a lot of money. One I'm not ordering out as much and we also have the items that are needed in our home which reduces the amount of time that we're at a grocery store.

Shopping List
Going to the store with a shopping list and only purchasing items on your shopping list. Eliminates overspending and purchasing unwanted items.

Crockpot Life
I did some research and found that a crockpot actually saves on your electric bill because of course, you're not using an entire oven. My goal is to make at least one crockpot meal a week.

Groupon for Dates
I never paid attention until recently. However, Groupon has some really great sale offers if you're paying attention to your alerts and emails. Combine a great deal with cashback with eBates and you're saving even more money. My goal is to also watch how much money we're spending on purchase dates as well and to not just buy because of the price if that makes any sense. Last year we took advantage of some really great deals one being our trip to a local brewery. It was a great deal and out of the norm of what we typically do.

Going out for Lunch
I've learned that in most cases, lunch is mostly a lot cheaper than dinner options at our local restaurants and we actually save a by going on dates during the day. Is this ideal all the time? No, however, most restaurants offer lunch specials on the weekends as well and our favorite restaurant actually gives great lunch portions.

Flying Budget-Friendly Flights
I'm all for budget-friendly flights like flying United Airlines' basic economy or flying Spirit Airlines.  However, this year I actually became a cardholder for airlines and it's life-changing. Especially, when attending so many conferences throughout the year. My first checked bag is free which saves me $45 per person. The membership really does pay for itself.  Plus, priority boarding is such a game changer!!

Make Homemade
Last year I really tried to focus on creating more homemade meals. Since I eat mostly a plant-based diet. I typically make a ton of desserts, pie crust, and snacks homemade. It's great because I know firsthand what's going in my food and I have more control of the sugar content.

Use Cash Apps
As prior stated, I'm a huge fan of Cash Back apps and my goal is to use them whenever it's applicable. Some of my favorite apps are Top Cash BackRakutenDOSH, and Ibotta.

Plan Ahead for Holidays
I am big on planning ahead for the holiday. and it's never too early or too late for you to start too. I want to get better at actually making and budgeting for the holidays in advance no matter how big or small it may be. I found myself. A little last minute with my gift for Michael this year and I could have actually made the gift weeks in advance since I had everything on hand. I also would like to make more DIY gifts in advance, because once the largest holidays come around I typically get really busy and the projects never happen.

Air Dry Clothing
I love air drying my clothes. Of course, it's a lot easier during the warmer months. However, I'm learning to airdry what I can during the wintertime and I've been really impressed with how well I've been doing.

Starting a Garden
For the last couple of years, I've started a garden. I try my best to start a garden indoors. However, I typically forget to water the plant. This year I plan on adding more items to my garden and actually starting in advance. I already purchased a couple of items and I can't wait to get started with them.

Amazon Prime
This is actually my second or third year as a prime member and I actually love the service. I have Prime Music which I love and it's nice to get the items shipped two days or receive a credit if I don't need rush shipping. The two-day shipping really comes in handy, especially during the holidays.

Created/Maintain A Routine
During the fall/winter, my routine has been all out of wack and I really miss having a daily routine. What I love about routines is that it actually keeps you on task and your time and money are accounted for. I have a schedule and a to-do list and know what I need to get done. I know what I need to work on next and what I'm making for dinner. I know what time I want dinner started because I have a routine. It's not perfect. However, it helps me a lot with staying on task.

Homemade Gifts
This year I want to focus more on personalized homemade gifts. I have a silhouette machine and I need to use it. I did such a great job in the past years making personalized homemade gifts. I have to get back on track with making them and actually setting time aside to create them

Stock Up on Sales
I think I'm the self-proclaimed queen of sales. However, I have to get in the habit of stocking up on items that we use on a daily basis. I know the items that we need to keep on hand and typically run out of on a regular basis. Like spaghetti sauce, stuffing, pasta, cream of chicken, etc. Why pay full price when the items regularly go on sale.

Use a Toaster Oven
I invested in a toaster oven. I'm so happy that we did. I believe we paid under $20 for it. It's not high-tech or anything. However, it does the job and it makes it so much easier when making small portions that require an oven.

Wash After 7:00 pm
I learned a couple of years ago that electric rates change during the day. I also learned by washing after 7:00 pm at night that I could save money. I typically don't implement this as much during the warmer months. Because I'm typically air drying our clothes. However, it really comes in handy during the winter months with having to use our water and dryer a lot more. I would defiantly check with your electric carrier to see if your rates change.

Bring My Own Bag
This summer my state implemented a bag tax. I always try to remember to bring my own bag, and our Target still offers five cents for each bag you bring.

What are some ways you're saving money this year?

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  1. These are great tips. I will be using my slow cooker and toaster oven more.

  2. This list is a great help. We need to save for a house, and all I want to do is spend, spend, spend! After all, this is my sale season! But you brought me back to earth, thanks!

  3. I love your ideas. I love when I can save! I do a lot of these. Amazon Prime is a must!

  4. These are all such great ideas! I totally related with the first one. I really need to be better about not buying things that will satisfy the moment. Also I had no idea electric rates change throughout the day!

  5. I almost never purchase anything online without Rakuten lol! I've earned so much cash back from them!

  6. These are great ways to help cut costs! We installed thermostatic valves on our radiators, so we can turn the heat lower in the rooms when we aren't using them, and still be comfortable in the rooms we are in. Hopefully, we'll see a big difference in our heating bill.

  7. Great tips here. Some of them I even have not thought about. Meal planning saves a lot of money especially if you have a family.

  8. Your ideas are really awesome. Hope these ideas will help me to have an organized budget now

  9. I am the same, I like to save money wherever I can. Meal planning makes such a difference


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~Mrs. Delightful