Fun Fall Treats

by - 9/29/2020 12:00:00 AM

it’s officially fall, what better way to celebrate than with some yummy treats that scream fall. If you’ve been following my blog for a while. You know that candy apples and caramel popcorn has a special place in my heart. Every fall I look forward to the abundance of little  caramels at the store. Of course while you’re making candy apples or caramel popcorn. It’s only right to do a taste test. Below, I’m sharing a few of my fall fun fall treats. 

Fun Fall Treats 

Caramel Popcorn 

Basic Caramel Apple 

Caramel Apples 

Apple Cinnamon Buns 

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  1. Caramel is always good on anything. I have not had a caramel apple in a long time but yours do look amazing

  2. I love fall treats! I will probably make most of these :) I'll start with caramel apples!

  3. Apple cider is a favorite fall drink at our house. I know the addition of caramel will make it even better!

  4. Oh man. I almost forgot about half of those fall treats. Thank you for the reminder. I need to go get some candy or make some.

  5. Love all of these fall treats! I need to make that caramel apple cider ASAP.

  6. Caramel everywhere! I love caramels, I have to try all of these.

  7. I want to try upside down cinnamon buns, for sure! I lvoe this list. Fall treats are so delicious.

  8. That caramelized apple seems so delicious and it's so cute.

  9. Snickerdoodles are one of my favorite cookies! We made some a couple weeks ago and they really hit the spot.

  10. A lot of yummy things that I love this time of the year! So flavorful!

  11. Apple cider, rolls and pie! I'm all for that.

  12. Oh my goodness what some amazing autumn treat ideas. I have to admit I do want to try out the Apple Cinnamon Buns!

  13. I found someone who didn't like snickerdoodles. I didn't even know what to say, I sat there in shock. When I got back to my computer, I unfriended him. Ha!

  14. wow, wish I was skinny. I would not know when to stop.

  15. I love caramel popcorns anytime of the year. But every fall mostly. ��

  16. Caramel, the Fall, crisp weather. What amazing treats, perfect for the season.


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~Mrs. Delightful