Simple Tips to Stay Cold & Flu Free

by - 10/06/2020 12:00:00 AM

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Simple Tips to Stay Cold and Flu Free 

This is a very unique cold and flu season. Though, outside is not officially open for all. It's still important to practice safety tips during the cold and flu season. Below, I'm sharing some of my favorites. 

Of course, remember to:

  • Wash/and or sanitize your hands before and after leaving anywhere. 
  • Continue to keep your distance.
  • If you're not feeling well. Stay home! 

Immune Boosting Products
One of my favorite daily routines is drinking warm lime/lemon water in the morning. This drink has so many amazing benefits. I created a post all about it here. It's so important to make sure that you include immune-boosting foods in your daily diet in order to stay healthy.

Bundle Up
From trial and error stay bundled up! No one has the same immune system. What works for some. May not work for others. It's also very important to note that our immune system changes over time. So as a child, you could go outside during the colder months without a jacket. Though it's considered a myth. If you had gloves on and touched a door after someone sneezed on it, you inadvertently protected yourself.

Sleep More
Noting getting an adequate amount of rest can lower your immune system. It's so important to have daily nightly routines to ensure that you're getting enough rest.

Stress Less
Just like not getting enough sleep can cause you to get sick. Stress is also a leading factor.

Exercise Often
Since starting my healthy lifestyle, I've seen first hand the difference with my health. It's so important to incorporate exercise into your daily life. Whether your goal is to take the stairs while out and about and/or at work or walk 5 miles each day. It doesn't matter how you start, as long as you start.

Wash Your Hands
Yes, hand sanitizer liquid and wipes are fine, and it's amazing if you do not have anything in reach. However, please, if you have soap and water in your reach. Use it!

Additional Resources 

Products I use on a daily basis (as recommended) 

Immune Boosting Recipes 

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  1. I'll keep these in mind. I do not want to get sick. My husband is deployed so it would not be good.

  2. These are excellent tips. It's amazing how a few small precautions can make such a big difference in your health during this season.

  3. These are all good tips. This year I also got a flu shot. It's been a weird year and I'm not taking chances!

  4. Now more than ever you don't need to fall sick! Our essential oil diffuser also runs overtime!

  5. It seems so simple, STAY HOME IF YOU FEEL SICK! I know that not everyone is able to do that though. I wish employers were more able to let their employees stay home (with pay!)

  6. This is the first year that I am terrorized to take the flu. So I am doing everything necessary to avoid it! Thanks for these tips!

  7. Thanks for reminding, we shouldn't forget, covid19 is still there. ��

  8. Great tips! The kids and I got an awful case of Flu A in February and I really want to avoid it this year.

  9. I take my multivitamin daily but I think I need to take vitamin C too. Thanks for the tips! -LYNNDEE

  10. These tips would help a lot always take vitamins and get enough sleep to avoid flu. Thanks to this!


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~Mrs. Delightful