Vegan Buttermilk

by - 9/09/2020 12:00:00 AM

I never realized how easy it was to make homemade buttermilk until one thanksgiving morning while making red velvet cake. I noticed that I did not have anyone's hand, and let's face it. Most stores open on Thanksgiving do not carry buttermilk. I typically always have milk and vinegar on hand (you can also use lemon juice or apple cider vinegar). I made the mixture one, and I've never purchased buttermilk again. Fast-forward to now,  while making vegan chick'n it required buttermilk. I used the same recipe, and of course, used unsweetened almond milk instead. This recipe is super easy to make. Though you may not need it today. Make sure to keep it on hand for future reference.  

Have you made homemade buttermilk before?


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  1. Ice Cream n Sticky FingersSeptember 11, 2020 at 9:17 AM

    I don’t use buttermilk and like you it isn’t something I keep on hand. I’ll have to save this recipe in case I ever need to make buttermilk on the fly.

  2. This is such a useful recipe! I have some vegan friends that I will definitely be sharing this with!

  3. Buttermilk is one of the most common drinks in India along the food to beat the scorching Summer heat. I love buttermilk and thanks for sharing the recipe!


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