Menu Plan Monday: Week of 3/11/19

by - 3/11/2019 12:00:00 AM

Happy Monday! I hope you had an amazing weekend! This past weekend I volunteered at an annual event that provides prom dresses to Foster and adoptive children. It always to so nice to see the excitement in the young ladies faces as they select their prom dresses. Saturday the weather was gorgeous in Connecticut. It was so nice to be outside and enjoy the weather. Michael had a workout meet on Saturday morning, so I was up bright and early. Last week I stopped by my local Ocean State Job Lot for some Kamut and Spelt flour. Unfortunately, my local store was sold out. However, I was able to find some while in the area of one of my favorite towns. I’m looking forward to creating some recipes with these items. I’ve made a spelt pizza dough in the past and it was nice to have a recipe for a healthier alternative. Below I'm also sharing another menu plan with me video. I hope you enjoy it!

How was your weekend?

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  1. I love reading your weekly meal plans. I tend to find some great inspiration in them! Thanks for another awesome weekly plan!

  2. You are so on top of things for the week! My weeks go so much smoother when I have a real plan but I rarely get around to doing it.

  3. Oh, how I need to plan out our meals! I like the sound of jerk chicken so I will be borrowing your menu for the week.

  4. These all sound like delicious dinner ideas! I am going to adjust it a bit to fit into my diet but, most of these wouldn't take much! YUM!

  5. Oh I haven't made a full week's menu in ages. It definitely helps with the planning. Thanks for the inspiration!


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~Mrs. Delightful