Tips for Creating the Perfect Holiday Card

by - 10/31/2018 12:00:00 AM

This post is sponsored All Opinions are of my own. 

The holidays are right around the corner and I could not be more excited to start planning our annual Christmas cards. Of course, I’m going to utilize my favorite site They have so many new cards this year. I tend to send out two different options because they have so many to choose from. Below I’m sharing my favorite tips for selecting the perfect holiday card.

Prior to know to select the perfect card. I narrow down my sections with the photo. I typically send two different cards out per year. One that’s more romantic, and another one that’s fun. I create a file on your phone and/or computer for potential photos throughout the year. This makes the search for the perfect photo so much easier.

Match your card to the design
When selecting the perfect card. I always narrow my search around the photo. I wouldn’t select an orange card them if everyone in the photo is wearing neon pink. I would go with a black theme or a theme that really brings out the photo.

When to send
It’s so important to know when to order and send your cards. The sooner is always better. Don’t wait until the last minute to order your cards. You can always order more if needed or even opt to send out a second round of cards in a different design. I typically send my cards out the week after Thanksgiving. even has the option where you can buy now and personalize later.

No photo
Let’s face it, sometimes it’s so hard to find the perfect photo, or maybe you just want to send a nonphoto card this year. has a beautiful selection of non-photo cards. I love using the nonphoto cards to include the kiddos school photo in for friends and family.

Do you have any Christmas card tips?

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  1. These are so pretty. You just reminded me that I need to make some holiday cards. Eek! I'll have to check out Minted.

  2. More and more people are turning to this kind of card making to send out for Christmas. I love the look and have received so many pretty ones with photos that I keep forever.

  3. Yes! I have to get started early this year. The past 3 years in a row I didn't send them out and then gave up! Time to get working and get them addressed and stamped early. I love the look of these cards too!

  4. I think that would be fun to do for the holidays. I have not made a Christmas card in so many years. This would be a fun way to do it.

  5. This service is a great way to share the joy of the holidays with your best friends. I always have trouble finding the right card but they seem to have so many choices.

  6. These are just lovely. Photo cards are not all that usual here in the UK. I think that they might be in the years to come.

  7. I love Minted. They are my choice for my Christmas cards and I am super happy when I get a promo code. :)

  8. Oh, I can't wait to make our Christmas cards this year. I love your ideas.

  9. I am getting my photos done for our family card this sunday!

  10. These are such beautiful cards and photos! We don't do cards and photos as we don't have a ton of people to send them too, but they are gorgeous!

  11. I love personalized cards like those you have there. I should be planning to get this done soon, November will go by fast for sure.

  12. I havne't done holiday cards in so long! I love all of your tips and tricks! Great post!

  13. I really need to plan this year and get on it asap. I love these types of personalized cards and need to do them this year! - Jeanine

  14. These are beautiful.

    My only tip is to not be discouraged if you send them late. I have sooooo many cards I didn’t send because I was late getting them out!

  15. These are very helpful tips! We always send out Christmas photo cards every year, and planning ahead saves me extra time to get ready for the holidays. Thanks for sharing!

  16. These tips are a sure fire way to achieve what you want. I cannot believe we are in November now!

  17. I love the way yours turned out! I hope mine look that good!

  18. I just made my holiday and thank you cards. Love these tips you shared about important aspects to consider, particularly the photo to use and where to order them.

  19. Thanks for sharing your tips for creating the perfect holiday card. I stopped sending them two years ago but you are making me reconsider :-)


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