8 Things I Look Forward To In The Summer

by - 6/21/2018 12:00:00 AM

Living in New England I really try my best to enjoy every minute of summer. I love the long days. Warmer weather, time with the family, and the ability to not have to wear a ton of layers of clothes. This year, we really didn't get much of a spring. So trust me, I am beyond grateful for every second of warmer weather that we get this summer. This year I thought it would be pretty cool to share 8 Things I Look Forward to In the Summer.

8 Things I Look Forward To In The Summer 

Family Vacation
Each year we try to take a family vacation. Last year we visited Lake George and had a lot of fun. The views from our hotel room were simply breathtaking. I would love to visit again or even take a day trip there. However, I try my best to pick a new location each year. I have several places in mind. However, I'm still working on the final choice.

Strawberry Picking
I'm a huge fan of strawberries. I've always been a fan of strawberries. However, when I found out that they were low in calorie when I started my weight-loss journey. I honestly took my love for them to a whole new level. This year I plan on visiting a new strawberry patch. I may also visit the one strawberry patch that I've visited in prior years. If you haven't tried fresh strawberries. You have no idea what you're missing out on. They last longer and honestly the taste is just AMAZING. Plus, you're supporting a local business by shopping small.

Longer Days
I've waited the last couple of months for longer days and I'm beyond thankful for them. My days typically start at about 4 am. My goal is to wake up around 3 am. It's so nice to really enjoy the sunrise and sunsets on a warm summer day. Let's not forget to mention picnics in the park at the Rose Garden. Yes, Please!

Daily Walks 
My daily goal is to walk 10K steps. During the colder months living in a small home and working from home. I really do not get that many steps in. I don't really care for the gym and I try my best to keep moving throughout the day. Being able to take my daily walks is so much more obtainable during the warmer months. As soon as it got warmer outside. I was back on track with my daily walks and ensuring that I get my daily steps in.

I eat mostly a plant-based diet and theirs honestly nothing like growing your own. Every year I look forward to starting and harvesting my garden. It's such a rewarding feeling. This year I purchased so many vegetables and I'm also considering expanding my cut flower garden. It's such a nice feeling being able to cut some of my favorite flowers straight from my garden.

Day Trips 
One of the amazing benefits of living in Connecticut is that we live so close to so many amazing states that are perfect for day trips. It's nice getting up and just deciding to go on a day trip on a whim. I have a bucket list of places that I would like to visit this year. Can't wait to actually take the trips.

Ice Cream
I'm a huge fan of ice cream. I mean huge. This year I tried cherry ice cream for the first time and I really made me realize that I could possibly be missing out on some really amazing flavors out there. I hope to try at least two new flavors of ice cream and actually make some homemade ice cream with the family.

The Rose Garden
I'm a huge fan of our Rose Garden. It's the perfect place to just go for a walk, have a picnic or even be in the moment with all of the amazing scenery. I try my best to visit the Rose Garden at least once a year. I would honestly visit every day if I lived closer or we had one in our town.

What are you looking forward to this summer?

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  1. I love summer! It's my favorite season. I look forward to all these things, especially the longer days and summer vacations. Happy 1st day of summer!

  2. We do love our summer and how busy we get being outdoors. I love to garden and going on day trips. Just BBQing outside and enjoy being with family playing games.

  3. Yes! I would love to go Strawberry picking soon!! I have never taken my son and I think he would love it. & I just love everything about summer! (minus all the bugs haha)

  4. I love strawberries. I have been wanting to go strawberry picking somewhere for a while now.

  5. You have hit on some of the great things n summer, like warm, long days and summer fruit. As long as I have an air conditioner at night the warm weather is my favorite for outdoor activity.

  6. Your roses are beautiful. Its hard to grow roses like that down here in Florida. Living in the north you really do have to enjoy every warm day you can get. I look forward to every cool day here in Florida!

  7. These are some great things to look forward to! We're going on a vacation next week and I'm excited about it. I also love my ice cream!

  8. Those are some great things to enjoy during summer. I'd love to take a stroll through the park or go on picking strawberries.

  9. I am definitely a fan of longer days. I also miss the days when I could just pick fruit out back.

  10. All these seem very exciting! Out of all things in the list though, I'm not a fan of walking under the sun especially at the peak of summer heat. Make sure to wear sunscreen!

  11. Longer days and ice cream are on the top of my list too! I used to love my familys annual camping vacay but I've had to miss it for two summers after moving 2000 miles away, hoping next summer we get to pick the tradition back up.

  12. Ice cream is my passion in the summer. I have to look for brands that are low sugar and still taste good. My indulgence is a large, chocolate dipped vanilla cone. Put a little bit of that chocolate shell on the cone, please.

  13. I love this! It's a great way to take in the season, by doing activities that's especially for the summer. So much to look forward to! I hope you finally decide on a place to visit.

  14. Definitely what we are waiting for. Summer season! So many things to do and enjoy. Of course the beach, more travel and food tripping! Yey, so excited!

  15. Summers are always great fun. Always look forward to them as they are when we head out for family vacations too. The other thing that summer brings with it is lots and lots of cold desserts and ice creams.

  16. Love all the things on your list. I love rose gardens too and the long days and daily walks and so on.

  17. I love spending as much time as I can with the kids especially now that I have grandchildren. I think these are wonderful things to do during the season! Love strawberry picking and then making as much desserts with it afterwards! SO fun!


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~Mrs. Delightful