2018 Goals: 18 for 2018

by - 12/12/2017 11:30:00 AM

It's that time of year again where I will be sharing 18 things that I would like to change for 2018. From the items that I want to stop purchasing to the simple changes that I would like to start making. This is my second year sharing this list on the blog, you can read all about the 2017 changes that I made here.

18 Things that I want to Start, Stop and Splurge On

1. Treat myself- Not sure why it's so hard for me to treat myself. I would like to start doing that on a more regular basis. I say no to myself way too much and I have to learn how to create a balance.
2. Read More- I did so poorly with reading this year. I have to learn how to make time for it each day.
3. YouTube- I would like to be more consistent with YouTube. Not sure what happened towards the middle of the year.
4. Date Myself- I have to learn how to date myself more and take myself out.
5. Nails Done- I learned that this year that I really love having and keeping my nails painted. Something about it just makes me feel good about myself. I have to learn how to incorporate this more.
6. Stationary- I'm open to the opportunity to collaborate with brands. However, I have way too much stationary products that I've purchased on my own.
7. Tablescape- This year we purchased a dining room table. I'm totally obsessed with creating tablescapes. This is something that I love so I have to make time for it.
8. Decor- I have a lot of home decor that I rarely get to play around with. I want to spend more time making sure that I'm in love with my home.
9. Clothing- I only want to purchase clothing that I'm in love with. I just don't want to purchase just because it's a great price.
10. Minimalist- I want to continue to purchase what I need and all areas of my life.
11. Capsule Wardrobe- I want to create a capsule wardrobe and take you guys on the experience of how I put together the outfits.
12. Quality- I want to invest in a couple of high-end pieces for my wardrobe
13. Hobby- I have so many hobbies that I love. Would love to take a couple of classes on them.
14. DSLR- Learn how to shoot in manual mode
15. Family Game Night- We need more of these
16. Stop buying just to buy!
17. Planner- Spend more time using my planner
18. Planner Supplies- Stop buying planner supplies just to buy them.

What are some of your 2018 Goals? 

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  1. Yay! I have never made a list like this. I'm going to do one this week.

  2. That's great that you are already putting together your list of goals for next year. I haven't done one quite yet, but I really should.

  3. Nice to see that you have already worked out your To-do list for the year 2018. Even I need to set my goals for the upcoming year.


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~Mrs. Delightful