8 Tips for Traveling Solo

by - 4/19/2017 11:00:00 AM

Hello, Friends! 

I hope you had a chance to check out my latest travel blog post sharing four reasons why I love traveling solo. I receive so many questions with regard to traveling solo that I created a YouTube video sharing 8 Tips for Traveling Solo. I know traveling solo is not for everyone. However, sometimes we are put in the position where we have to travel solo because let's be honest. Things do happen and plans do change. I can think of so many trips that have been canceled due to people not being able to make it.

I wanted to make sure that you know the basics to make your trip run as smooth as possible in the event that you have to travel solo or if your anything like me and wants to travel solo. Also, don't forget to check out my first solo trip EVER to San Juan and my first international trip to Cancun Mexico.
I hope you guys enjoy the video. If you have any further questions about traveling solo. Let's chat in the comment section. I look forward to hearing from you.  

Have you ever traveled solo before?

8 Tips for Traveling Solo Video

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  1. Great tips, thanks for sharing. I have never traveled outside of my home state alone, but it is something that I have considered.

  2. What great tips. I have traveled solo before and loved it. I mean, I missed my family, but sometimes it's easier when you only have to worry about yourself.

  3. Loved it & related it. Have travelled twice solo & would love travelling solo for my upcoming trips as well. These tips would be handy for sure:)

  4. I haven't traveled solo much apart from the work trips. But i want to go on a holiday just by myself with a selfie stick!

  5. I've traveled solo only a couple of times. These tips are definitely spot on.

  6. I have travelled silo for conferences in the past. Haven't done that for a while though. Thanks for sharing these great tips!

  7. I did it ONCE and I wish I did a better job at it. I didn't have as much fun as I thought

  8. I haven't ever travelled before because it feels too overwhelming to me. But this year, I plan to try and go for a short trip all on my own to see whether I can deal with it :)

  9. I've traveled solo extensively throughout Europe and Asia. Your advice is spot on.

  10. Never tried solo travel before, but I'm sure it sounds exciting.
    Great advice, thanks for sharing!

  11. I only travelled alone once to another province. I didn't quite have fun. Your tips will be so helpful for my future trips.

  12. Solo travel is very empowering. We learn so much about ourselves and others. Great post. Yeu Doi

  13. Solo travel is very empowering. We learn so much about ourselves and others. Great post. Yeu Doi


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~Mrs. Delightful