Holiday Spice Simmering Stove Top Potpourri

by - 12/20/2016 09:00:00 AM

Growing up potpourri was a staple in our home. My mom would always purchase the pre-made kinds at our local stores. Ames, Bradly's etc. I vividly remember her also purchasing one that had to simmer on the stove top. The house smelled amazing until she burned it, LOL. Now, I believe that failed because the stove was on too high or the pot ran out of water...

Now as an adult. I too love potpourri the pre-made version and the stove top simmer kind. During the holiday times, I would always see the stove top version of potpourri floating around on Pinterest. However, I would always be out one or two ingredients. I finally said that I was going to use what I had on hand and bring the holiday scent to our home. The potpourri did take a while to bring the scent around my home. If you're thinking about making this recipe for your next holiday party. I would suggest putting it on the stove top an hour prior to having your guest arrive. 

Anywho, this recipe is super simple to make. 

I've you tried stove top potpourri? 

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  • 1 Orange
  • 1/8 teaspoon nutmeg
  • 1 tablespoon cloves
  • 3 cups water


all of the ingredients together in a medium size simmer pot on low heat. Add water as needed.

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  1. Ooo I bet this does smell amazing! I need to try this out one day. Maybe on Christmas!

  2. I love homemade scents. This one is definitely a must try!

  3. Oooo. I'd like to try this! We haven't tried any homemade scents yet.

  4. I make stove top potpourri all through the holiday season. Love your recipe.

  5. I love DIY stuff and this looks like such a great choice for the holidays. Love the spices and its aroma.
    xx, Kusum |

  6. Wow! I've never made my own before. I always went with store-bought. Right now, the scent that has been taking over my house is the Holiday Joy essential oil blend. My house smells amazing!

  7. omg this is the best, My grandmother makes this

  8. This is amazing when you have run out of some. I am right now out of stock and am so going to try this one out.

  9. My mom is so good in making homemade scents, though I am lazy enough to try such. This definitely looks amazing and I am sure it is going to smell so great having orange as the flavor!

  10. I would love to try-out your recipe! I love homemade scents.

  11. Don't think I even knew what potpourri was until reading this post but I am all for making foods that bring lots of lovely family memories

  12. Love the DIY and I bet it would smell amazing! Thanks for sharing the DIY!

  13. I used to do this all the time. I love it. It works with apples and oranges too.

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  17. Awesome! keep it up your work. you are providing precious information to users.


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