What I'm doing to Prepare for Blogger Conferences

by - 5/09/2012 04:13:00 PM

Are you attending any blogger conferences this year????

I wanted to write a post focusing on what I’m doing to prepare for the upcoming blogger conferences. I hope this list helps anyone preparing attend.

It is very important to write down an estimate of what the cost will be associated with going on this conference.
  • Childcare (and any cost associated with the childcare provider)
  • Transportation i.e. gas, plane ticket, bus, train fair, cab
  • Food (snacks/meals to and from the conference, snacks during the conference)
  • Hotel (and parking fees)

Are you going?

Get to know the people that will be attending the conference. Usually each conference will have a list of everyone who will be attending.

What about my blog???

Schedule your post or seek guest post prior to the event.


I have never been to a blogger conference before. However, I always hear about the SWAG. If you are traveling on a plane, make sure to bring an extra bag just in case or make arrangements via FedEx, USPS or UPS.

Everything Else/ Create a list
  • Bring extra clothing, jackets, comfortable footwear etc.  Depending on time of year, dress accordingly. “It’s not what you wear, but how you wear it”
  • Business cards are a must! If this is your first conference, I would suggest purchasing what you can afford and what you will be using. Find out how many people typically attend the conference and do the math from there. (Order business cards advance)
  • Bring all of the electronics that you will be using during the conference and their chargers (Purchase rechargeable batteries if needed.)
  • Toiletries (Hair skin, and nails- your everyday must haves)
  • Vitamins/Medications (order/purchase in advance)
  • USB (I would suggest caring this with you during the conference. You never know when you will have to save something)
  • Extra tote (or a few)
  •  Pen & note pad(always bring extra)
  •  Conference schedule (Print out or bookmark on your phone, laptop/netbook or ipad)
I'm still trying to attend the Type-A Parent Conference in June in NC. As prior stated in my seeking sponsorship post. I am really big on creating list. I will be creating a list with everything needed to be done prior to the event and a checklist for going to and leaving the event. I feel that it is very important to have a list for leaving the event also. How many times do you go in a panic. Because you were not sure if you left something (show of hands). I would also suggest emailing the list to your or having it saved with you on a USB drive.

    Thank You For Stopping By!

    Come and check out all of the awesome giveaways I have going on right now! CLICK HERE

    Bringing Beautyhttp://salttree.blogspot.com/OrganizingHomelife.com

The Taylor House

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  1. I'm going to be a panelist at a conference next month. This stuff is so key.

  2. This a fab post and thanks for all the great tips! As of now, I don't plan on attending any conferences because I'm traveling a lot this year already. However, if the opportunity did arise I would try to make one at least.

  3. Thanks for the tips! I hope I get a chance to use them one day!

  4. Thanks so much for linking up to Creative Thursday this week. Have a wonderful weekend.


  5. Great tips and I can't wait to go to a conference myself! Thanks so much for sharing at Mom On Timeout!


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~Mrs. Delightful