What I'm Proud of May

by - 6/01/2022 12:00:00 AM


We're officially in June, and I'm loving it, loving the warmer days, and the little things in life. Below, I'm sharing five things I'm proud of in the month of March.


I 've been using my camera a lot lately to record and edit videos.  
My garden greenhouse officially went up, and I have so many garden projects I'm working on.
Self Care
I took myself on my first date in May. It was so nice to get back into the swing of things of dating myself.
Spring Cleaning
It's still spring, and I'm still spring-cleaning. I'm proud of myself for trying.
Simple Pleasures
I visited the Rose Garden, and it was such an amazing feeling. The roses weren't in full bloom. However, the greenery was so beautiful.

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  1. It looks like you had a fabulous May! I am all about self care as well.

  2. I am still spring cleaning, too! I've been clearing out my closet to make room for summer things.

  3. Sounds like a good month. We are no longer having spring weather here as it is in the 90's.

  4. Self dates should definitely be normalized, I loved seeing that this is something you've tried and hopefully will continue to do! It's important to get some time to yourself, as well as being able to enjoy your own company from time to time!

  5. Wow, it seems like you had a great month! It's awesome that you took yourself on a date, and I need to get my garden started!

  6. Wow! Sounds like you had a really great month! I’m happy for you! Thanks for sharing this with us!

  7. I think its been a long time since I took my self for a date. Looks like you had a wonderful month!

  8. I'd love to see your gardening projects! I bought a little greenhouse but haven't set it up yet. I wanted to use it for my butterflies I raise.

  9. You had lots of great things happening in your life last May. You should definitely be proud of those.

  10. I am so glad of my little garden, too! May was so important!

  11. Wow! It's so fast, we're almost half a year already when yesterday seems to be just the start of the year 2022!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Self-care is so important to us! Also, I am in love with your outfit 😍.

    Everything Enchanting <3

  14. May flew by so quickly. It was my son's birthday month and he had a great birthday. Spring cleaning can go on year round. I do my deeper cleaning in smaller sections.


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~Mrs. Delightful