Things To Do Every Sunday for a Productive Week

by - 1/02/2022 12:00:00 AM


It's offically the start of the New Year, and as the saying goes "A Sunday Well-Spent Brings a week of good content." Creating a Sunday routine will really kickstart your week, and it's a wonderful way to set the tone for your week.  Below, I'm sharing Things To Do Every Sunday for a Productive Week.

Things To Do Every Sunday for a Productive Week

Contact Family

As simple as it sounds, it's so easy to lose touch with friends and family, even with social media. Why not have a block of time on Sundays where you check in with friends/family. It's a great way to stay connected with loved ones, and abrest of upcoming events. 

Take your clothes out for the week

This is something that I've been doing since my son was in preschool. Not only do I take out his clothes. I take out my clothes for the week as well. I'll typically have several outfit looks put together just in case I need to leave on a whim. I'm not spending hours putting looks together.


Whether you exercise daily or weekly. Why not include a little wellness into your day? Whether you decide to go for a walk or do your normal workout routine. This is such a great way to kickstart a new week and healthy routines. 


I've incorporated journaling into my daily routines, however, if you can't journal on a daily basis. I would at least suggest journaling every Sunday to decompress and get your thoughts out from the prior week. There are so many writing prompts for journaling. Just do a quick Google search to get inspired. You don't need a fancy journal. I just use the one that I purchased from Target.

Go Grocery Shopping

Based on my menu plan, it makes it a lot easier for me to go grocery shopping. I know what I need for the week, and I'm able to get my home fully stocked, especially since winter is fast approaching, and snow days will be following closely after. Since I tend to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, I tend to go to the grocery once a week. However, do what works for your family, maybe based on your needs you only need to go to the grocery store once or twice a month. Do what works best for you and your family.

Meal plan for the week

If you've been following me for a while, you know that I meal plan weekly, for myself, and my family. It takes a ton out of the stress of "what's for dinner" everyone already knows what for dinner. I don't have to run to the store to pick up items, and a lot of times. I can place the items in the crockpot, and it's done prior to everyone returning home for the day.

Wash clothing

Though I typically try to was load clothes at least every other day. I try my best to make sure that all of the clothing in our home is washed by Sunday. It just makes for a better transition into the new week, especially with having children who play sports.

Clean your home

I'm not sure if I'm the only person, but I can not function properly if my home is dirty. Let not forget about taking twice as long to look for something due to it not being properly placed in the correct destination, and/or it's covered over a pile. Take a moment to clean your home.

Review Your Planner and/or Schedule

I know this may sound simple. But it's super easy to add stuff to your planner, and/or phone, and totally forget about it. Trust me, get into the routine of checking all of your planners/calendars on Sunday in order to properly prepare for the week ahead.

Schedule/plan your week out

As the saying goes, a goal without a plan is just a wish. Plan your week out, create goals for yourself. This really does cut back on forgetting to do stuff. Do you need a refill on your prescription, do you have to return a call or follow up on email. This is the perfect time to plan out your week.
  • Monday: Schedule a Dentist Appointment
  • Tuesday: Follow up on Ambers Email
  • Wednesday: Looking into Doctoral Degree Programs
  • Thursday: See about any new job opening
  • Friday: Schedule a Lunch date with Marina
Create a To-Do List

I've learned that I'm highly productive during the week when I create a to-do list on Monday. You can easily section the list down to items that need to be completed by a certain day of the week of prioritizing your list in any way that you see fit. This really cuts out constantly thinking on Monday or even trying to remember everything that needs to get done. You can also always add to your list.
Create an At-Home Spa Day

I know this might sound silly, however for me personally, it's so nice to start off my week rejuvenated from just simply having an at-home spa day. This honestly doesn't have to take much, and you can do what works best for you.

Do you have any Sunday routines?

Pin for Later! 

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  1. I try to do these! I hate to cook so I have to figure out what I'm making.

  2. Sunday is the one day that I don't do work. I will try to do these on other days.

  3. Love this post. <3 Scheduling my week and making to-do lists is a must for me!

  4. Sunday is my favorite day of the week. I love to move my body and get energized. Plan the week ahead, prepare meals and relax.

  5. These are great ideas! My husband and I go over our plans for the week every Sunday. That helps us know what is on each other's agenda for the week.

  6. This past Sunday I put my daughter's outfits together for the week, that saved me time, she's 8 and not interested in putting outfits together yet so we waste a ton of time in the morning if I don't do it on Sundays!

  7. This is a great way to get more organized and start off the week on a good note. I'll have to try these strategies.

  8. My daughter prepares her school clothes on Sunday but I think I'll start doing it too. Here most of the stores are closed on Sunday, so I have to do my gorcery shopping on Saturday or Monday. I like to plan out my week out on Sunday too.

  9. OMG! This will be a great idea, but I don't have so all this time to do all these!

  10. I have this routine but I don't do it on a Sunday. Sunday is a chill day over here. :) -LYNNDEE


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~Mrs. Delightful