Croissant Ham and Cheese Bake

by - 11/10/2021 12:00:00 AM

I originally posted this recipe on my Instagram, and I thought why not share it on the blog as well?! Whether you're hosting a brunch or simply looking for an easy recipe to make for your family this holiday season and beyond this croissant ham and cheese bake, is just what you've been looking for! What I love about this recipe is that a lot of these items you may already have on hand, and you can also make larger quantities of this recipe, and add more cheese and meats to your liking. This recipe is super easy to make on a whim if you're invited to any events last minute. Plus, this Croissant bake is sure to be a crowd-pleaser. 


  • Plain Mini Croissants
  • 1 1/2 cups chopped ham
  • 2 cups shredded cheddar cheese, divided
  • 6 large eggs
  • 1 cup half-and-half
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper
  1. Grease an 11x7-inch baking dish.
  2. In a large bowl, whisk the eggs, half-and-half, salt, and pepper. Pour in the casserole dish.
  3. Sprinkle ham, cheddar cheese on top.
  4. Sprinkle it with remaining cheddar cheese.
  5. Place Thomas'® Plain Mini Croissants in the baking dish on top of the egg mixture.
  6. Cover with aluminum foil and refrigerate for 8 to 24 hours.
  7. Bake covered in a 350-degree oven for 25 minutes. Uncover and bake for another 20 minutes.
  8. Enjoy!


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  1. This looks so good. I really might have to make this for dinner tonight. I've been wanting crescent rolls and wasn't sure what to make to have them, but I guess if I use them as my main meal, its win win! lol Kelli

  2. This is delicious. I have all the ingredients in my pantry!

  3. Oh yum, this looks incredible. I cannot wait to try it out.

  4. This looks amazing! I'm going to add this to my menu for my next brunch!

  5. Such a great breakfast idea, and your recipe is easy enough. I will have to give this a try for a weekend brunch.

  6. So making this for brunch! Love how simple this is and doesn't require so many ingredients!

  7. This is such a really amazing and delicious recipe that I really nee to try! I'm sure my family would love this!

  8. Oh, these looks really good. its a great addition to my list!

  9. These look so good. I love ham and cheese. I definitely need to try these.

  10. That is so perfect for breakfast! It looks amazingly good, I know my family will surely love this!

  11. Oh wow! This got me craving right now! This is just perfect and delicious!
    Thanks for sharing the recipe!

  12. This is so nice. Been thinking of what to prepare over the weekends and good thing I was able to drop by your blog. I will definitely try to make this. Thanks for the recipe! I hope I can successfully make it too.


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