6 Ways to Avoid Overspending this Holiday Season

by - 10/19/2021 12:00:00 AM

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With Christmas being almost 60 days away, it's so important to create a plan for this holiday season, trust me, I remember the days of being in the checkout line on Christmas eve still purchasing last-minute gifts for friends and family. Instead of enjoying Christmas eve or even the last few days leading up to Christmas doing the things I love most like baking, sipping on hot chocolate, and/or watching movies. I'm not sure exactly when it happened... But I got tired, tired of not simply enjoying the holidays, and I created a plan. These tips are still implemented in my life and I've tweeted them throughout the year to allow them to work better for me. Below, I'm sharing 6 Ways to Avoid Overspending this Holiday Season

Say No

One of my biggest tips during the holidays is to learn how to say no, no you can't attend every event to which you're invited to (unless you want to) Learn how to say no, and learn how to say it fast. Once I learned how to not over-extend myself the holidays became more enjoyable.


Create a budget and stick to it. I like to create a budget for each person for whom I'm purchasing gifts. I also like to create a budget for misc items or last-minute events I'm invited to.

Create Gift Ideas

Create a list with creative/random gift ideas, use this as your go-to when you're having trouble trying to decide on what to get for someone. You have no idea how far a Starbucks or even an Amazon gift card could go. Sometimes it's not all about purchasing a big-ticket item, and more so with simply contributing to the purchase. Attaching the gift card to a journal or sentimental items goes a long way.

Buy Early

Start shopping NOW! Do not wait until the last minute, I've actually found some of my favorite deals before Black Friday. Also, some stores also take a very long time to ship, For instance, I would purchase for the last couple of years from this particular store, around Black Friday, and at times items wouldn't arrive until after Christmas. Purchasing now also cuts down on paying extra shipping costs.

Experience Gift

Sometimes it's simply nice to give the gift, of experience, aNd this is when sites like Groupon come into play. Make sure to review the exclusions and the fine print prior to purchasing these items. However, these are the perfect gift ideas for your close relatives.

Shop Online

Shopping online can be a great way to stick to your budget. This is a wonderful opportunity to utilize sites like Rabuken to make the deals even sweeter. It's so easy to overspend when shopping in-store, what I like to do is if I'm unsure about a purchase I like to sleep on it and make the purchase in the morning if I'm not worried about the item selling out. 

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  1. I try to stick to a budget. Sometimes it goes well. Other times it does not. But I always try to wait for a sale!

  2. I am not thinking of gifts yet. I already have gifts for the grandbabies and the rest will get gift cards.

  3. I always buy early. It really cuts the stress and keeps costs down.

  4. I don't always do Christmas shopping but thanks for all the tips you've shared.

  5. Holidays are happy and positive events and I tend to overspend. These tips are really helpful. I need them

  6. These suggestions are so true. Having a list and a budget is the best advise for myself. And I love buying during sales.

  7. I need to set a budget for what we buy our kids. I always go overboard because I love to. But financially it's just not smart.

  8. These are great tips for how to avoid overspending. For me sticking to a strict budget and shopping all year long really helps. Those impulse purchases are what gets me.

  9. I am loving this and I simply set a budget so that I do not over spend. This was an issue for me when I was younger and dumb... simply put LOL.... as I never saved a dime and well it came back to haunt me. The good news... I have changed the way I spend and this is no longer an issue for me. It is simply important to learn from mistakes and many of these suggestions are perfection for helping people to not over spend and there is no better time to share these money saving tips ;)


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~Mrs. Delightful