The Rose Garden 2021

by - 6/08/2021 12:00:00 AM


My Disney in Connecticut is the Rose Garden. Visiting this park at least once a year really just makes my heart smile. It's so beautiful to see in person, especially around this time of year when the roses are in full bloom. To think, my first time visiting this park was a little over ten years ago. Boy, I was truly missing out. I can't recall how I learned about it. However, I'm thankful! Below, and above I'm sharing photos of the Rose Garden 2021. 

Do you have a favorite park in your state?

The Rose Garden 2021

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  1. That is so beautiful! Those blooms are magical. I would stay there for hours just relaxing.

  2. Oh my goodness what an absolutely stunning rose garden! I would love to be able to visit and explore myself.

  3. That is an incredibly gorgeous space. I love all the flowers. They're really soothing.

  4. Beautiful! It makes me wish I could grow stuff. I'd take so many photos here!

  5. What a gorgeous garden! I have always wanted to grow roses in our yard.

  6. This place is so pretty. I would enjoy looking at all the roses.

  7. The rose garden looks like a beautiful place to visit! I need to see if there is something like that near me.

  8. This is beautiful! To answer your question, the Missouri Botanical Gardens in St. Louis is magnificent.

  9. So stunning, I love having pics in places like this, so nolstalgic.

  10. It's so pretty!! I want this kind of garden and then I'll take a sip of my coffee while reading a book, LOL!

  11. This rose garden is such a peaceful and relaxing garden. I love all the colors.

  12. I love flowers and I love roses. They can be so various and so beautiful!

  13. Oh wow! This place is really beautiful indeed! I would love to visit one day!


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~Mrs. Delightful