5 Things I’m Proud of February

by - 3/10/2021 12:00:00 AM

February is officially over, and I'm thankful that it's getting closer to the spring and summer months. This winter just has been the typical Connecticut winter and boy. I'm still not used to it, and I've lived here all my life. Through the frigid temps, I still managed to keep the process going and stay on track. Below, I'm sharing five things I'm proud of in February. 

5 Things I’m Proud of February  

I started the process of refinancing my home, and I closed on my refi in February. I'm so proud of myself for starting this process and completing this process. 

Date Myself
As prior mentioned, I haven't really done this much. I did do this a little more during February. It was really nice to get out of the house and try new foods. 

I started winter sowing which I didn't plan on starting, it's a super cool process, and I'm looking forward to doing this more in the future. 

I still have been going strong with my journal. Writing is just so therapeutic for me. It’s such a great way to clear my mind and really process my day. 

Slept In 
I unapologetically slept in, I have to be honest. At times I still feel guilty about sleeping in. I typically think about all of the things I could be doing around the house. But it’s such a nice reward to be able to sleep in. 

What are you proud of in February? 

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  1. Sounds like some great things to be proud of. I wish I could do a garden now, but the weather is not nice enough just yet for us. We still have some snow on the ground.

  2. Sounds like you had a good February. I tried to sleep in, but didn't have luck with that, however, I did took some cooking classes, so that was my win for the month

  3. That will be fun to do some winter sowing! I don't know that I will be doing it, but I am going to plant arugula, which I can start early.

  4. You are awesome you acheived lot of things in Feburary. For us it is difficult time, because of snow storm no power for 32 hours and rolling blackouts. I think March will be fine.

  5. It sounds like you had a wonderful February. My feb was pretty good, pretty much the same as the other months.


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~Mrs. Delightful