Must-Know Tips for Refinancing Your Home

by - 2/23/2021 12:00:00 AM

I’ve been a homeowner for 13 years, and boy has so much changed, I purchased my home a couple of months before the market crashed, which unfortunately there were a lot of stipulations put in place with refinancing a home in my circumstances.

I honestly wanted to refinance my home like many people a year after purchasing it. However, 13 years later. Here we are! I’m so thankful for this process, and what I’ve learned along the way. Below, I’m sharing Must-Know Tips for Refinancing Your Home

Must-Know Tips for Refinancing Your Home

Waived Fees
Always ask if any fees can be waived, all they can say is no.

Shop Around
Shop around for different rates, there are so many people offering amazing rates right now.

When comparing rates, make sure that they are identical. Some rates have points associated with them.

Read, READ, READ, I can not stress enough to read all of the documents you’re signing, and ask questions if you have any.

Have all the necessary documents handy. Pretty much the same things you needed to purchase a home.

Reply ASAP
If your lender or underwriter or anyone that’s assisting with your application has a question, respond to them immediately. Delay in responding, can delay your closing.

Have you refinanced a home before?

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  1. I'll keep these tips in mind. We might end up doing this down the line for our home.

  2. We refinanced our house many years ago.It helped us pay off the house faster.

  3. Such a great tips and I better share this with my Aunt who's planning to refinance her house. Thank you!

  4. Thanks for this article. Such a helpful one. I will share this with my friends.

  5. Thank you for sharing this. many will be able to benefit from this post especially those that are planning to refinance their homes.

  6. Thanks for the tips. this might help me in the future and my family.


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