The Most Important Dating Tips for Women

by - 12/13/2020 12:00:00 AM

Dating can be pretty interesting. There are some women who I admire for the way they are truly crushing the dating world. They know what they want, and they are not afraid to move on. Now that I have embarked on the dating world, I'm sharing a few tips that I have to help you along the way.

The Most Important Dating Tips for Women 

Prior to dating, make sure that you're mentally available. Make sure you've done the work on yourself prior to letting someone in your life. Are you over your Ex? Are you bitter towards men? Are you still scared of past trauma?

Know your non-negotiables
To be simply forward. What are you willing to put up with? Is okay if he has children. Can you be with someone that smokes? Write down your non-negotiables, and apply them when you met someone.

I know that my come across wrong. However, some people get into relationships hoping that their level of happiness or going to change. Yes. However, it will only change if you're already happy prior to get into the relationship. Learn how to make yourself happy, prior to jumping into a relationship.

Only focus on the right guys. Don't waste your time with the guys who are just time fillers, the guys whom you really don't have any feelings for. The guys who call, however, you wish it was someone else.

Never Chase
You should not be the only person calling and texting. Allow for the person you're dating to actually show that they're interested in you.

Red Flags
Simply pay attention! You know, the red flags that no one likes to admit were there prior to catching feelings for someone? Yup, those! Pay attention to the red flags, and honestly, you may even have to question the person due to the red flags doing all the work. 

Learn From Your Mistakes
It's so easy to overlook our life lessons. Don't! Learn from your dating mistakes. 

You're the prize, no that it's okay to be single. Don't put an expiration date on it, and unrealistic expectations.

Pin for Later! 

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  1. That watch for red flags warning is key. Back in my dating days I learned that the hard way!

  2. These are some great tips. I am glad I am not in the dating world though. I don't think I'd have the patience.

  3. Tasheena, a friend and I were talking about his stepping back into the dating arena. OMG things have changed. That FOCUS tip is spot on. Stop wasting time on those who aren't sincere.

  4. Those are great tips. I totally agree it's important to not ignore those red flags!

  5. I haven't dated in 18 years, but I agree with every single thing you said!

  6. Such great advise! And I am so glad I am not in the dating world lol! So stressful!

  7. This is wonderful advice for anyone who is dating. I'm going to share it with my single friends.

  8. Agree.. It's okay to be single, absolutely. Love will come if it's really meant.

  9. Really great tips. Single or dating women will love this.

  10. These sound like some great dating tips - I have to admit I've never been good at dating, hopefully I never have to do that again.

  11. I so love the last thought which is to remember that "You are the Prize" so we should not settle for less and remember to slow down and take time.

  12. These are really good tips, as a woman one needs to be able to walk into a relationship with full awareness.

  13. These are such good tips! I remind women to trust your instincts, they are usually right!

  14. I think these are the most important things to know when you are in a dating world and yes, you should be aware about the red flags.

  15. These are great tips to keep in mind for women that are dating. Thanks for sharing these suggestions.

  16. I completely agree with all of these as well. You must always take care of yourself. I think that is always one of the main ones.

  17. I agree with all these. Learn from your mistakes or you'll be doing the same mistakes and be heartbroken over and over again. :) -LYNNDEE

  18. I am so very happy I am no longer in the dating pool! So much has changed in 30 years!!!

  19. Mama Maggie's KitchenDecember 15, 2020 at 3:55 PM

    Wow! These dating tips are awesome! I am already married but maybe we can use some of these tips when dating our hubby!

  20. I am married already but I think these tips are awesome. I need to remember them to my daughters when they will start dating!

  21. Happiness is a great tip, don't be in a relationship that makes you unhappy. Great list!

  22. Love this topic it's always important to know on how dating works on women awesome post!

  23. What's your advice about screwing inmates??? ��


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