2021 GOALS: 20 for 2021

by - 12/30/2020 12:00:00 AM

Pretty much everything on my list from last year carried over to this year. A lot of my goals are the same, because though I did stay on task with a lot of my goals. I want to continue to do so. It's so easy to lose focus with a goal, especially when you feel that it has become a habit. 

Do you have any goals for this year? 

21 things that I want to Start, Stop, and Splurge On

1. Read More- Towards the middle of last year, I found an app that I loved. It really has kept me on task with my reading goals. However, it's still very important for me to read and implement what I've learned.
2. Date Myself- I started off the year strong last year by dating myself. I have to get back on track with this. My goal is to take myself on a date as often as possible.
3. Stop buying just to buy! - Though I still struggle with this. I'm getting better with buying just to buy, especially in the food department. There's no need for me to stock up as much as I do especially when I'm at the grocery store at least once a week.
4. Treat me- I still struggle at a time when it comes to buying myself stuff. I have to work on this. However, I'm looking forward to treating myself.
5. DSLR- (Learn how to shoot in manual mode) - Towards the end of last year I purchased a new iPhone. Trust me, my old phone was three or four years old, and the battery life was horrible. With that being said. I reach for my phone now which is to be expected. However, it still can not produce the product of a DSLR camera. I still have so much to learn when it comes to my camera.
6. Nails Done- To be honest, I really just need more non-toxic nail polish in my life. I did great with keeping my nails done last year though.
7. Quality- I have my eye on a couple of pieces. Looking forward to making the investment.
8. Planner- I have to get better at using both of my planners daily.
9. Hobby- I would love to still enroll in a class at Michael's or any other craft store.
11. Travel often - I actually did a good amount of traveling last year, and I'm super proud of myself. I love to travel, and I'm looking forward to traveling often.
12. YouTube- I just have to do better. I have videos recorded. I just have to do better with editing and posting them, and keeping my schedule.
13. Language- Learn basic phrases. (brownie points, if I learn a new language.)
14. Silhouette machine - I haven't used my machine in over a year. Looking forward to using it again. I honestly really do love it.
15. Drink more water - I did okay with my daily water goals. However, there is always room for improvement.
16. Self-Care Day - I just have to incorporate more self-care days.
17. Makeup- I've been doing great with my everyday no-makeup makeup look. I have to throw in a couple of full-face looks here and there.
18. Get Dressed Up - I've actually been doing great with this. Looking forward to dressing up more.
19. Minimalist- I still would love to keep a minimalist mindset in all areas of my life.
20. Do More - This year I just have to incorporate doing more of whatever I like.

21. Garden - Last year I didn't anticipate starting my garden. 2021 one of my goals is to spend a lot of time in my garden.
What are some of your 2021 Goals?

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  1. This list is really inspiring to me. I think I need to make one, too. It seems like a big help in really honing in on what I want for the new year.

  2. Stop buying just to buy is one that I need to focus on for 2021. We are saving for a home and that's the only way to do it!

  3. Nowadays, it's fast to take photos using a smartphone but having a DSLR/mirrorless camera is still better to produce quality pictures. It's nice to have photography as a hobby.

  4. My goals were open a makeup and eyelash studio, I started to train and the COVID happened.

  5. I need to make some goals for the year. I think it's great to have them all written out like this too. It makes it easier to try to reach them.

  6. Love this list! Ugh...YouTube! LOL. I need to start writing my goals down!

  7. This is a terrific list. My goals are pretty cliche, take better care of myself, sleep more, eat better, exercise regularly.

  8. I rarely get my nails done. I have been thinking about it though. I see so many cute ones online.

  9. I am a list maker, and it is nice to have a list of what you want to accomplish. Great list!

  10. Mama Maggie's KitchenDecember 31, 2020 at 10:34 PM

    I can see you have garden on your list! I have the same on my list of goals, too! Good luck on us!

  11. Love reading goals for 2021. Yours are so inspiring! Thanks for sharing!

  12. I loved reading your goals for 2021. I haven't set anything yet may be sometime later I will also set some goals.

  13. Another year, another year to start out to list down are own goals for the year and look forward to achieving this. I just finished listing mine too.


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~Mrs. Delightful