October 2020 Garden Update

by - 11/01/2020 12:00:00 AM

Happy Sunday! It's officially November. I couldn't let the month go by without closing out my garden for 2020 year. This year has been such a learning experience for me. If you guys remember, I didn't plan on creating a garden, and like most when the pandemic hit. I was inspired to slow down...

October the 30th we received our first snow showers. I was able to get a few tomatoes (not pictured) from my garden. I'm hoping that some of them will ripen. If not, of course, I'll figure out a yummy recipe to make with them like fried green tomatoes or even a soup. Though, I'm still working on my garden plans for next year. I'm super thankful for an amazing harvest this year. 

How's your day going so far? 

Photos from my garden 



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  1. We used to have a community garden and tomatoes were my favorites, green tomatoes, to be exact. Love dipping them in soy sauce. -LYNNDEE

  2. Congratulations! It's nice to have veggies in your garden in October!

  3. It looks like your garden did well! We had our first frost in September :(. I wasn't ready for my garden to be over with already!

  4. You have beautiful garden. love those fresh tomatoes.

  5. I am so jealous I wish I had some veggies on my backyard

  6. gorgeous garden pictures! We have thought about starting a garden, I'm just terrible with plants and figure I'll be even worse with a garden lol


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~Mrs. Delightful