Tips for Cleaning Your Medicine Cabinet for the Holiday's

by - 10/13/2020 12:00:00 AM

The holidays are right around the corner. Being a mom and an aunt, I also have little ones in my home exploring the various drawers in my home especially with the current circumstances. It’s so important to make sure that you’re cleaning your medicine drawers and cabinet often. Last year my son broke his collarbone due to a sports-related incident. It was the scariest time of my life, especially with the rise of opioid addictions. I made the decision to not allow him to have certain prescription drugs. However, I did have them on hand in the event that the pain became too unbearable. Thankfully, he never had to use them. However, a year later those same prescription drugs are still in our home sealed, and unopened. Even if you just have one like me, you can prevent them from becoming lost, stolen, or simply misused! I’m sharing tips below for how you can join me and take a stand against prescription opioid misuse and keep your family and community safe and rid of the unused or expired prescriptions in your medicine cabinet and/or around your home.

Go Down Memory Lane

It’s so easy to forget. Who wants to remember being in pain? However, taking a moment to go down memory lane is so important. Did you have surgery recently or years ago? Did you care for anyone who did? Take a moment to go down memory lane to make sure that you don’t have any prescription drugs in your home.


It’s so important to have a plan. Sometimes clearing a space in your home can become a little overwhelming. Create a plan in your calendar when you’re going to tackle each area/space. It really makes for a cohesive process. 

Purge You Home

As earlier stated it’s so easy to forget about the prescription drugs in your home. Do a deep cleaning, and purge your home. Perhaps you hide in a certain area in your medicine cabinet. Take everything out, check the dates, and create a safe and secure place to store prescription drugs that are not being used. 

Safety First

Keeping prescription drugs safe at home is so important. We’re all spending a little more time at home. Keep all prescription drugs in a safe place whether they’re being used daily or not. 

Save the Date

The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration’s National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day will take place on October 24 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at location sites across the country, offering a free and anonymous way for the public to dispose of unused, expired, and/or unwanted prescription drugs where individuals can drop off their prescriptions anonymously. Find collection sites at Also, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there are 11,000 year-round collection sites also available.


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  1. I try to go through our medicine cabinet once a year too. I get rid of anything outdated and make sure all prescriptions are safely stored away from little hands.

  2. I am a saver by nature and have a number of pills from years gone by on my shelf. I really need to give up all these old partially used medications at that event.

  3. Oh gosh, I need to do this. My medicine cabinets are pretty scary at the moment.

  4. These are great tips. It's been so long since I've cleaned my medicine cabinet, I should probably just stick my hand in there and sweep everything out. LOL

  5. These are some great tips - I have to admit I probably really need to do this, I am awful for shoving things in a cupboard and forgetting about it.

  6. Nice post, I always do decluttering on my meds too,it tends to be so messy as time goes by.

  7. This is a fall activity I do each year. Thanks for the reminder!

  8. This is a really great idea! I've never thought about this, but kids are definitely curious. Thanks for the reminder!

  9. This is so helpful. We're forever keeping too much and out of date medicines. We could really do with clearing out the medicine box once a month never mind once a year.

  10. Fixing and organizing stuffs has been my habit for years already. I always check what's there and what's left. It's good to be organized

  11. Thanks for sharing this with us! I think it's good hobby to organized things when you're not doing anything hehe. It's actually fun!

  12. Maintaining a clean medicine cabinet is like hard. Some of my empty medicine bottle are still there. So i needed this really. The tips are gonna be applied for my cleaning like right now! Thank you so much for reminding us this one.

  13. This is a very good reminder and will definitely help keep teens safe.

  14. It's interesting to know all these facts. I think it's time to clean my medicine cabinet too!

  15. I forget to clean out my medicine cabinet for way too long. I am usually embarrassed to see meds that expired years ago still around.

  16. Yes we need to clean the medicine cabinet once in a year it is important otherwise expireed medicaiton will be there.


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