Yard Projects in Progress: Part One Adding Rocks

by - 6/16/2020 12:00:00 AM

This past weekend was pretty busy for me. If you follow me on Instagram. I picked up another plant this past weekend, and I also decided to tackle some mini backyard projects. This was all kickstarted on my trip to Walmart and the Dollar Tree. I was hoping to have another raised bed built. I was on the hunt for some garden soil and potting mix soil. Walmart didn't have exactly what I needed. However, I did pick up a few items. I ended up visiting a local Dollar Tree, and I was pleasantly surprised with some of my garden finds. I initially just wanted to purchase some styrofoam cups. However, I found the super cute little cute garden cups that included twelve in a pack. I was hoping to transfer some of my seedlings into larger cups. Once I transferred my plants. I ended up tackling some backyard mini-projects. 
I went to my local home depot a couple of weeks ago, and they were all out the rocks/stones in which I wanted. I was so happy when I found these rocks and stones around my yard. Which saved me some money. I also never paid any attention to the fact that I had periwinkle and wood pern growing in my yard. Which was another time and money saver seeing how I did not have to run to my local store to pick up those items. I moved most of those plants to other areas around my yard. Though, these projects are not officially complete. I wanted to share my current projects in progress. I'm still trying to decide if I'm just going to have mulch delivered to eliminate store runs, just in case I decide to add more projects. I wasn't expecting to create so many projects for myself this weekend. However, I'm truly happy that I did. Below, I'm sharing some of the yard projects that I have in progress. 

Are you currently working on any projects?

Projects in Progress

Cleaned this area and added Periwinkle Todo: Add flowers and Mulch 

 Added stone/rocks and wood fern Todo: More flowers and Mulch

I purchased the lily bulbs a couple of years ago.  

Plants found around my yard


 Wood Fern

Progress Update: Before and After Projects 

Todo: Add more flowers and mulch


This project was initially started on May 25th 2020


Added rocks and created this area. Todo: Clean, add mulch 

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  1. we have a few fun yard projects weve been working on as well including our new garden! wohoo

  2. Everything is looking awesome. Our yard is not looking the best. I need to prune a few things but I'm being lazy about it.

  3. Hi it's Brenda from RubyHemMinistries.com Looks beautiful and I bet you feel really good having done all this work - something to be proud of.

  4. We have a BUNCH of back yard projects going on right now too! It's the perfect time to do them!! :)

  5. Love the before and after results in the yard. My husband has been on a home improvemnt kick and has fixed up our yard too.

  6. I love how much those rocks changed the look of everything. I love landscaping outside.

  7. I am an amateur gardener so will not only be re-reading this post and saving it but will also go through your other post and try to make my garden better. thanks for the wonderful pics jerry godinho

  8. The rocks look really nice! I'm a terrible gardener, and usually just do the bare minimum lol.

  9. Wow, your garden looks great. I like the addition of the rocks! I am also enjoying gardening at this time.

  10. The rocks make a great border! I need to do some major weeding in our flowerbeds!

  11. I think that looks wonderful. I love adding rocks as well. It gives it a nicer look. I can't wait to start on some yard projects too.

  12. Loving the rock boarders! They look beautiful and natural. Your garden is goals!

  13. It is amazing what a difference adding rocks in certain areas of your garden can do! Good luck with your projects.

  14. Your progress looks amazing! It's going to look amazing when it's all done.

  15. I love rocks! Always have! Rocks can be such an addition to a landscape as well!

  16. Looks wonderful! I recently added brick borders to my mulch beds, and it makes a world of difference. I can tell you put a lot of work into your yard!

  17. You're making such wonderful progress in the garden. Seems like such a therapeutic hobby to have!

  18. Looking great. Your yard is really coming together well. The rocks add a great touch :)

  19. That looks great! We have slowly been doing yardwork as well but it is my least favorite!


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~Mrs. Delightful