Spring Cleaning Tips

by - 3/17/2020 12:00:00 AM

Spring is one of my favorite times of the year. Living in a State that cold during the winter and fall months is nice when spring arrives it allows you to really detox your mind body and home. It’s so easy to have clutter due to not being as motivated during the winter months I know for me I typically have a ton of magazines on top of mailers that come in and do not properly discard the packaging.  when they come to our home however it’s never too late to create a Spring cleaning system below I’m sharing some of my favorite tips these are tips that I've used on a regular basis and I found some really work for me and my family. I know as a mom sometimes it's like "when am I going to get the time to clean" it is really like you have to squeeze everything in at times however rest a sure that you may have big plans to spring clean your home this spring and it’s actually possible. All you have to do is implement these few tips to assist you with accomplishing your spring cleaning goals.

Spring Cleaning Tips

Start off Small
One of the misconceptions with spring cleaning is that you have to take care of everything all at once, it is so important to just start off small should you start in your bedroom or you can start off in your garage, whatever makes the most sense to you what brings you the most peace as far as cleaning goes do you step in a room in your home and you’re like oh my gosh is I instantly stressing you out. If that room was clean wouldn’t provide you with a lot more clarity, and a lot less stress? Take a step back to walk to your home if you figure out which room you want to start with first is it your garage is it your attic is it just a room is it just a section in a room? Figure out what the plan is first because a lot of times when you find yourself overwhelmed nothing gets accomplished you step away from the space that you were working on one and never return back to work I’ll pour is why would you want to work on something that brings you a lot of stress however when you start off with baby steps it makes such a huge difference when I was cleaning out my garage I started with different sections I thought it with different bins in the garage I did and just tackle the entire garage at once I made sure that I took out time each week to accomplish a section.

Create a Schedule 
We are all busy is so important to create a schedule I know for me the weekends are super busy and I prefer to actually get stuff done during the week if possible my suggestion would be to create a timer and set a time maybe starting off within a small space. Once you're done decluttering and spring cleaning the space. Once you’re done with the hour you can go back to your regular routines because of course like most people do not enjoy cleaning. So by having the timer set and schedule an actual time it allows you do not necessarily have to spend all day on a project you can easily start off within our in increase that time throughout the month maybe you designate an hour each Saturday to cleaning out a different section in your home. The goal is to create a schedule, you can add how many blocks to your cleaning schedule. Whether it is all day or an hour.

Know your Wants from Needs
It’s so important to know your wants from your needs first start off when you go shopping prior to purchasing something do you need it doesn’t make sense to purchase that a lot of times before making a big purchase I wait 24 hours before I actually make the purchase because with this allows me to do is actually focus on what I’m purchasing, and why I'm purchasing this item. For instance, you can find an amazing deal in the wintertime for a patio set. However, do you a way to get the item delivered to your home? Where will you store it? All of these things come in to play when making a purchase. When I purchase items for my home. I want to make sure it's an actual need for my home.  Trust me I find so many amazing deals on his various stuff from items such as beauty to even furniture however I know bringing that stuff into my home would only cause more stress and would not allow my house to be functional. So prior to purchasing an item  And bringing it into your home during the wintertime, think about your purchase before you make it. Would you have a hard time storing the product or the item during the winter months figure out what works for you and learn your wants from your needs. Therefore you’re not going to accumulate a whole bunch a clutter this spring and throughout the year.

Get Help
There are plenty of people who offer spring cleaning services, of course, do your due diligence in only go with someone that you’re comfortable with, however, Include your family and maybe even your Bestie. Perhaps each week you alternate homes and clean each other home and make it into like a girl's day. It really the perfect way to really take the stress and burden off of spring cleaning. You assign everyone a different task and alternate homes.

Do you have any spring cleaning tips?

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  1. These are some great tips - I definitely believe in the start little - it is amazing what you can do if you do little and often.

  2. I like these tips and I know I need a lot of help in this regard. I recently started a cleanup system in my house and although it is slow it is steady and it does feel good.

  3. I am working on this! I need to get some spring cleaning done, especially in my garage that's full of crap.

  4. I think making a schedule is a great idea! I always work better when I know exactly what I’m doing and cross it off my list!

  5. What a great post. Youdefinitely have to be organized when it comes to spring cleaning. What was most helpful for us was to take breaks. Really focus on one area, knock it out to completion, and rest with a nice snack and a movie.. Thank you for sharing.

  6. These are great tips for spring cleaning. I agree that it's a good idea to start off small and make a schedule!

  7. I love spring cleaning! Having been married for 42 years now, we have a method that gets us in and out of spring cleaning in a weekend. That being said, I learned some new ideas from your post!

  8. I know I have some major spring cleaning to do this year. I have a lot of stuff I don't need or want that I will have to get rid of this year.

  9. Love this tips! I have some free time now so I will use it to do the spring cleaning!

  10. One room at a time is what I like to say. It can be overwhelming so starting small like you said is key!

  11. Given the current environment and time on our hands, Spring cleaning is a must. A steady step by step or room by room approach is a great way to go.


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~Mrs. Delightful