Participating in My First 5k

by - 9/10/2019 12:00:00 AM

I wish I could say that doing a 5k was on my bucket list or even things I wanted to do prior to turning a milestone age and honestly it wasn’t. You see, I actually don’t enjoy running. Walking yes. But running, it’s not something that I enjoy. If you’ve been following my blog for a while now. You’re aware of my healthy lifestyle change two years ago, and how my daily goal is to walk 10k steps a day. But running a 5k wasn’t something I ever thought about doing. I was invited to attend. To be honest, I wasn't looking forward to the race. I had no idea of what the expectations would be and of course I went into panic mode.
I first reached what the heck a 5k race is. I assumed that I would have to run 5 miles. However, 5k actually stands for 5 kilometers which are about 3k miles. It was a sigh of relief because I typically walk my 10k steps consecutively which is about 5 miles. Knowing this, put me at ease, I also learned during this time that I didn’t have to run the entire time. I could actually go at my own pace.

The Morning of the race. I was nervous and excited. I drove about 45 minutes to the race location. Parked my car and headed to the town green. Thousands of people were participating in the race from babies with their parents to women of a certain age. It was a truly inspiring event and I honestly wished that I did it sooner.

Have you participated in any races before? 

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  1. I have not participated in a race before but I have been seriously considering it! I have been checking out a few marathons that are local and I think I might do one in the future!

  2. Oh my goodness congratulations! What an achievement to have managed to take part in your first 5k! I wish I had run or even walked more when I could.

  3. Congratulations on pushing yourself to do the race! I have never done one before, but maybe I'd like to try one in the future. Never say never, right!?

  4. Wow congrats! I'm not sure if I could do one or not. I'd probably collapse and then crawl to an ice cream place.

  5. Congrats! I hear that races like that really help keep people motivated to meet their health goals. For me, if I am running, something is chasing me. I heard there are races like that actually! LOL

  6. Oh WOW! Congratulations! I give you so much credit for actually running in a 5K. I'm sure your training for the big day was a lot of work. #GOALS

  7. Wow! Go you! I haven't taken on this challenge yet, but it seems amazing.

  8. I've always wanted to run in a marathon. That ship has sailed but glad you got to do it. (Rena)

  9. Congratulations to another achievement unlocked. 1st times are always worth remember I suppose. I am happy for you.

  10. I am so glad for you! Congratulations! I hope you had a lot of fun!

  11. I remember the first time I attended a 5K, I walked it and was so nervous that I would be the only walker (with my firstbon kiddo) but I wasn't. I found a lot of peopel do walk 5K's and are treated just as awesome as those who run it. Love that you shared your first experience of a 5k with us.

  12. I have not participated in a 5k run before. I do walks all the time though. Running isn't really something I like to do, but I enjoy walking. I do want to try a 5k run sometime though.

  13. Good for you! I have participated in a couple of AIDS walks and I ran in a 5K Color Run which was very fun! I hope to participate in one again.

  14. I've never done a race but I always wanted to do one. I need to start training for a while lol. Kudos to you for doing this!!

  15. Awesome job! I have never done this! I need to start physical training so I can join the race!

  16. Wow, congratulations! Reading this reminds me of my 5k run years back. I guess I need to be on track again.


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~Mrs. Delightful