Moms Meet WOW Influencer Boston (Thoughts)

by - 6/04/2019 12:00:00 AM

Last year I attended the WOW Bloggers in New York and I had the most amazing time. This year it was held in Boston. Living in Connecticut I live right in the middle of both states. Which really does have it's perks. If you follow me on Instagram. I shared on my IG stories a sneak peek of the event. This event was amazing! From the brands to the location. They even had an onsight photographer and I was able to get my headshots taken! (photo above)

I met so many amazing people at this event an learned about so many new and exciting brands. I’m so thankful that I had the opportunity to attend this event. 

The Moms Meet team really does a phenomenal job of putting on influencer events. If you’re ever invited to one of their events. I would highly suggest that you RSVP asap. 

Event Photos of Me 

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  1. Looks like you had a lot of people there. I like going to Influencer places like this. You learned so much and you get to meet so many people.

  2. This sounds and looks like a great time. I would love to go to one of these to meet with brands and other bloggers. Your headshot turned out so lovely!

  3. It's always fun to meet up with other bloggers. I'll have to see if they're hosting one of these events near me...

  4. I'd love to something like this, but I am not ready to invest that much time yet! I am so glad you went though, I can see it is well worth the investment!

  5. Oh wow how awesome you got to go to both it seems like you had an amazing time, I look forward to hearing a bit more about it.

  6. You know it is a good sign when a person attends the event two years in a row. I hope you'll be able to share some of what you learned with us.

  7. Sounds like it was a great event. I love being able to go to events and meeting new people. They are always the best!

  8. It has been a while since I have been to an influencer meet and greet or a conference. I had a great time at the last few that I did get to go to.

  9. This sounds like a great event and it looks like you had a great time! I need to find some influencer events in my area!

  10. I am happy that you were able to attend and it sounds like a great event. It is so nice to meet other people in this way. Hope to attend in this kind of event, someday!

  11. This looks like a great way to meet other influencers. I would love to attend more influencer events this year!!

  12. Sounds and looks like you had a fabulous time. Such an awesome way to meet new people

  13. I haven't been to an event in quite some time. It looks like you had a lovely time. Love the pics!

  14. Now this looks like a fun event to attend! I can’t wait to attend a conference soon.

  15. It looks like you girls had a ton of fun. It is pretty nice to have meet ups like this. Nothing is better than having to be with like minded individuals and just savor the moments.

  16. This looks like such a fun time! I'd love to be able to do something like this.

  17. One of these years I'm going to go. I have said I wanted to go to a blog event for so long. Things just didn't work out and I'm mad I didn't fight the odds more when events were local.


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~Mrs. Delightful