My Spring Bucket List

by - 3/14/2019 12:00:00 AM

Ironically the first day of spring I will be in a different state. If you guys have been following my blog for a while you know that I am not the biggest fan of winter. I originally my moms due date was in the springtime however my mom had me a little early. Living in New England I love everything about the spring months. I love having the ability to open my windows and doors and allow fresh air to come into my home. I love being able to be outside with a light jacket and not a super heavy jacket that you would wear in the winter time. I love the ability to be able to enjoy ice cream outside and having date nights at our local Rosegarden. Spring months in Connecticut are really unpredictable at sometimes, we have the perfect weather and sometimes they’re still a little bit cold however it is a lot better than dealing with the winter months. I love having the longer days which is something that I really look forward to each year. During the spring months is when I typically get back to my work out routine. So I’m typically outside watching the sunrise each morning and in the evening time, I’m usually spending time in my garden. 

Below I’m sharing some of my favorite things that are on my bucket list for 2019 spring.


I would love to have a professional photo shoot done. It's well overdue. 


I can’t be the only one who would love a vacation. Though, I’m trying to tackle my student loan debt. I’m excited about the possibility. I don’t have a destination in mind, however, it’s nice to dream.


I love crafting, however, I really haven't made time for it. I would love to sit done and really spend some time crafting. 


I still haven't made a homemade carrot cake. It's still on my list. I just have to make it. I also would like to make a spring themed beverage as well. 

Me Time

I haven't taken myself on a date in a few months. I just get so discouraged during the colder months. Looking forward to visiting some new places and just having some me time. 

What's on your Spring Bucket List? 

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  1. Baking and vaca is two of my favorite things. Nothing better then watching the beach and baking. Fun!!

  2. Hitting the antique store. Gardening big time. Visiting family for some camping and fishing fun

  3. I like your list! I am so ready for spring. My kids are on spring break right now and we've just been relaxing. We'll go on vacation in June!

  4. Do you know I haven't even thought about what to do this spring! I should really think about putting together a bucket list, yours is so great! Good luck completing it.

  5. I hope you are able to get all those things done this spring!

    I'm excited to be able to go for long walks outside without being too cold. I'd like to start gardening again this spring and summer.

  6. Love the idea of creating a spring bucket list!! I always do it for fall but hadn’t thought to do it for spring. (Silly!) I love that you have a photo shoot on here. You’ll never regret having photos! :)

  7. YES to me time! I feel like I am always on the go and I need to take some time to decompress for sure!

  8. Oh wow! You have a wonderful list and I am sure these would be perfect. I love to make my own lists too!

  9. OMG you must make a carrot cake. They are amazing and so much better when homemade. I'd love a vacation too but it doesn't seem to be on the books this year unfortunately.

  10. Vacation, I'd like to go but can't yet. Baking and craft are not my cup of tea but gardening would be in my list.

  11. I feel like baking has been on my bucket list forever. It takes a lot of will power to get out the cookbook knowing I'm going to make a huge mess in the kitchen!

  12. I'd love a vacation too! I feel like I need to breath from all the work and stress.

  13. I need to do professional photos as well. I've never had professional headshots done and I really need to!

  14. I'm so with you. Baking is on my list this spring. Can't believe the last time I baked any pastry was last year. I even got a new mixer in November that has not made it out of its box!

  15. This list of fun things is really exciting. Spring is here.....time for some Fun!


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~Mrs. Delightful