Vegetable Garden Update: July 2018

by - 7/18/2018 12:00:00 AM

I wanted to give you guys a quick update on what's been going on in my garden. I haven't been successful at growing Swiss chard. It's 100% my fault though. I haven't tried directly planting the seeds. I planted the seeds in a container and was hoping to transplant them, and it has been an epic fail. I'm going to work on this and try again for my fall garden. 
I haven't harvested any tomatoes yet. I believe some people were able to harvest some by 4th of July. I think this is due to pruning. I really haven't pruned my tomato or pepper plants. I hope to work on this soon. I know this has a lot to do with my results and why I don't have an abundance of tomatoes right now. I also planted a small patch of kale. I honestly did not know what it was until it was close to harvest time. You see. I don't have any gate around my garden and some animal had a field day and dug up all of my seeds, so I really wasn't sure. I would love to plant some more kale. They've been doing well and there little spot. Four to five more plants would be great. I also have a cherry tomato plant that has to be transplanted into a larger container. I'm happy to see that it's thriving. 
Having a garden is a learning experience for me each year. I try my best to learn from my experience and use what I've learned in the following year. I also have to get better at my food/ Epson salt routine. 
I also forgot to mention that my basil plants have been thriving. I love tomato and basil sandwiches and it's nice to just be able to go into my garden and get the items needed. 

So you have a garden? Any gardening tips

Pictures from My Garden

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  1. We started a garden for the first time this year. I am curious to hear more about the epsom salt thing....we have some tomatoes, onions, lettuce and cucumbers so far :)

  2. I love seeing photos of your garden. I just picked green beans and tomato this morning. You have a great looking garden.

  3. Such a beautiful garden and I wish I had made one for our family but there is still next year which gives me time to get prepared.

  4. I agree, your tomato plant needs cutting back. I don't know if you can do that now and get results. I have about 30 tomatoes ready to pick, two cabbages and some green peppers.

  5. We didn't plan a garden this year, but I wished I would have. Yours looks great! I have no tips...sadly I have a black thumb, and can't grow anything. My hubby usually keeps the garden looking great. :-)

  6. Wow, that garden looks great! There's nothing like fresh, local, seasonal food straight out of the garden!

  7. Great job on the vegetable garden. I would love to grow my own produce! I think it would save so much money over the long run.

  8. Looks like you did a great job on your garden. I have been talking about trying to plant vegetables for a while now. One day I'll do it.

  9. Your garden looks fabulous! I so wish I could grow stuff, but I tend to kill all plants. So I don't bother anymore.

  10. You've got a great looking garden. I wish I didn't have such a black thumb so I could grow my own food.

  11. Oh wow it looks like your garden is doing amazingly! What a huge range of items you have growing.

  12. It all looks good. I bet once you get some pruning done you will see a lot more tomatoes coming in.

  13. You do have a great looking garden. One tip I use for my garden is plant tomatoes and basil together. The basil will repel bugs from the tomatoes.

  14. Oh! I loved reading this because we just redid our backyard and I FINALLY want to start a small veggie garden and herb garden. Yours looks amazing! That basil is gorgeous.

  15. I'm so envious! I can't get anything to grow. We've tried outside and inside... everything just wilts.

  16. Your garden looks so healthy. I have seen the inverted planting before and I find it neat!

  17. Wow, looks like you are having quite a successful growing season. My green thumb is far from great, looks like you have the right touch!

  18. I really love how this little garden is turning out! It inspires me to want to do one!

  19. It looks good. Your tomato plant looks like mine too lol

  20. Wow, I envy you! You really had a green thumb! I wish I can grow those plants too! I love seeing your blooming plants! Very green!


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~Mrs. Delightful