Menu Plan Monday: Week of July 2, 2018

by - 7/02/2018 12:00:00 AM

Happy Monday!  I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday weekend! We're currently having a heatwave in which I'm loving every minute of. I believe just last week I woke up to our temps being in the low 50s... This past week I was really busy getting things together for Michael. He started passing league with football and also had to attend a football camp three days last week. I harvested some sugar snap peas which I was really excited about. I love this time of year and being able to just go into my garden and grab a snack and/or a meal. I also had a mid-week self-care day. It rained so hard one-day last week that I had to stop my daily walk. I decided to go home and finish my at-home workout. It was nice to have that mid-week self-care day. I think I'm going to start implementing more often. I unexpectedly had a cut flower garden this year. Last year I planted some bulbs late and a few decided to make a grand entrance this year. It was such a nice rewarding surprise. I hope to actually purchase more bulbs and expand my garden.  The lily bulbs I planted are just so pretty and are making the perfect bouquet in our kitchen. Anywho...

How was your weekend?

My Week in Pictures 

Avocado Toast 

Lemond Frosted Lemonade (Sooooo Good)

My Lillies and of course a snack 

My Daily Walk 

Our Menu Plan 

I'm often asked what I eat and what's items I purchase for my shopping hauls. Sharing a grocery shopping haul video on my YouTube Channel.

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  1. Well, now I'm starving. LOL That all looks so good. I think it's time to head over to Aldi, and get my week in order.

  2. That's a nice view on your walk! I Love it! Sounds like you are going to be eating good this week, too!

  3. We will be eating light Tuesday because Wednesday there will be tons of food for the 4th July. Thursday will be leftovers so the week is pretty simple around here.

  4. Those Stuffed Shells sound good and I'm now craving that frosted lemonade! I've never tried it and it looks so refreshing. Love your weekly menu!

  5. I enjoyed shopping with you and seeing the Peanut Butter you purchase because it's my go to snack in the evening so I will be checking it out the next time I go to Targets. I also enjoy your Menu and the items you cook and I also do Taco Tuesday.

  6. Looks like you had a great week! I NEED to try that frosted Lemonade! It looks amazing!! I hope that this week is just was good as last week!

  7. It looks like you had a lovely week and your meal plan for this coming week seems like it would be absolutely delicious! That garlic honey salmon yes please!

  8. Right now we are planning a BBQ for a couple of friends. Fireworks can be seen from our front porch, which makes it a lot of fun!

  9. I guess you are having a cookout for the 4th. The rest of the week looks great and lemonade sounds so good in the summer.

  10. so, does your hubbie cook every weekend? How did you convince him to help out? Does he even shop for his menus? I have made this suggestion countless times and it never happens in my house ☺

  11. We are eating light this week because we will be out of town soon and I want to enjoy all the goodies there! The view on your walk looks beautiful!

  12. Looks like it was a great week! Yum, you've got a lot of tasty looking ideas this week.

  13. I want that avocado toast. Yum! And I just LOVE that frosted lemonade. Enjoy your 4th of July!

  14. I love avocado toast and that lemonade sounds so refreshing! I'm sure the dip tastes amazing. Also, love your view for the daily walk!

  15. I'm coming to your house for dinner. Yum! I'm such a fan of avocado toast!

  16. That avocado toast looks really good. I've been craving one for a few days now.

  17. We have Aldi nearby and its been a while since we shop there. I guess this is the best time to visit it again. I like how their store offers different varieties of food.

  18. You're meals/Snacks look yummy! I'm always looking for lighter foods to eat for the summer - because when it's hot I don't want to eat, but I know I need to eat.

  19. A little Chick-fil-a goes a long way! :) I'm all for planning in advance during the week.

  20. Thursday and Friday really caught my eye. I'll have to try some of your menu suggestions. I'd love to get organized enough to actually plan a whole week of menus.


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~Mrs. Delightful