Birthday Weekend in Photos

by - 7/31/2018 12:00:00 AM

This past weekend was simply amazing. The Mister celebrated his 40th Birthday. I was in full surprise party mode that I honestly didn't have anything planned for his actual birthday. Mind you, I've been asking him for months what he would like to do since he's not big on surprises. I could not have asked for a better weekend. We started off the fun with going to play pool which is one of his favorite things to do. It was actually supposed to rain on his birthday. We headed to the mall for his birthday gift and then got on the road to head to Maine for a day trip. Our plan was to pretty much stay out all day. That didn't happen due to unforeseen circumstances. We went to our favorite stores at the outlet in Maine and had dinner at our favorite restaurant.  On the way home, we made a pit stop and enjoyed the beautiful views. The next day, I woke up super early to start executing my decor vision for the Mister's Surprise party. I honestly didn't know how everything was going to turn out. Of course, I had a vision in mind for the event. However, I was still unsure about the centerpieces... I couldn't have asked for a better birthday weekend for the Mister.

How was your weekend?

Pool Time 

Birthday Gift 

Lunch Time 

Outlet Shopping 

Pit Stop 

 Target Run 

The Mister's Surprise Party

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  1. Happy Birthday, first of all, to your Mister! My life began at 40, so tell him not to sweat the numbers. What I really love about this post is that you did things he loved. That in itself is creative enough. :)

  2. What a beautiful way to celebrate the special day. Happy and Blessed Birthday to him.

  3. What a lovely way to celebrate your birthday, never understand people who don't like to celebrate theirs. I love mine!

  4. YAY BIRTHDAY! (My birthday was the 31st so I'm still in celebration mode). LOVE the surprise party decor and the day out looks like all of his favorite things. A weekend to remember, for sure. Happy Birthday to the Mister!

  5. A happy birthday to you. Great to see how your birthday went through those lovely photos.

  6. First of all, Happy Birthday to your beau. He does not look anywhere close to 40, but then again what is the 40 or 30 or 60 look? I don't believe in the 'age based look'. I am glad you guys had a ton of fun and his 21+ birthday became memorable. That Is All.

  7. What an amazing birthday! Looks like you were spoiled too by your other half! Amazing!


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~Mrs. Delightful