5 Things You Keep Forgetting To Do Before You Leave for Travel

by - 4/12/2018 12:00:00 AM

As I'm writing this post. Michael and I are planning for our annual mommy and son spring break trip. When in the process of getting ready to head on a vacation. It's so easy to forget about the things that have a huge impact on your travel plans. Today I'm sharing 5 Things You Keep Forgetting To Do Before You Leave for Travel.

Setup Travel Alert with Bank

One of the worse feelings in the world is swiping your debit or credit card and it is declined because you forgot to set up a travel notice with your bank. I highly would suggest setting up the travel noticed as soon as possible. You can always remove it. However, waiting until the last minute and possibly forgetting to can really turn an amazing vacation into a stressful one.

Have Someone Collect Your Mail

I know this is super simple. However, ask friends/family to collect your mail for you. Especially. if you're waiting for a package. I also would highly suggest for you to leave a note for UPS or FedEx if you're expecting a package. A couple of years ago. I forgot to leave a note for UPS while away and didn't realize that the package would require a signature. The package was returned to the company and I had to pay for shipping again if I wanted them to deliver my order. Listen learned!

Charge Electronics

I know this sounds super simple and you may be saying to yourself “I can charge it when I get to my destination” This is true. However, why not just get it out of the way. I charge everything from my Phone, camera battery, portable charger, and laptop. Why, because it really sucks depending on what airport you're leaving out to need to charge your phone or camera and depending on what airlines you're flying with. They may not have any outlets on the plane. Do yourself a favor and charge everything in advance.

Make Copies of Passport/ ID and Give to Emergency Contact

When traveling you should always leave copies of your ID and passport with your emergency contact. This is even if you gave this information to them in the past. It cost under a $1 to make a color copy. Make copies and also keep one on hand for yourself.

Email Travel Itinerary to Emergency Contact/ Screenshot 

Whether you're traveling alone or with family. Let your family know where you're staying and for how long. I know this is a “just in case” scenario. However, it's important and they should know your travel plans. I also suggest emailing your itinerary to yourself in the event you lose your phone you can always sign in to your email. Also, take screenshots your reservation numbers and lodging information. Especially if you're traveling out of the country. It's so easy to not have service in another country and when heading to your hotel this information can be very important.

Do you have anything to add to this list? 

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  1. My mother in law always comes by to get our mail when we travel, which is so nice of her. We always bring her home something from our trip as a thank you.

  2. We always let the post office know when we have to leave so they hold our mails for us. I will have to do the passport copies and emergency contacts this time.

  3. We have a list and always do these things while we are gone. Someone alway watches our place or stays there while we are gone as well.

  4. The screenshot to an emergency contact is absolutely brilliant! I think it's a really good idea just to be extra safe.

  5. These are smart ideas. I usually do most of these. I used to forget to alert my bank and then they'd shut off my credit cards, which could be embarrassing. So now I always let them know when I'm going somewhere!

  6. These are great tips. I always have a problem with forgetting my chargers, it never fails. I agree the screenshot to an emergency contact is an awesome idea!

  7. I forgot 3 of these the last time I traveled and am thankful for your reminder. My mail was overflowing when I returned home the last time and I hope I don't forget that again. Packages were waiting outside my door for days lol.

  8. These tips are definitely something to keep in mind. We traveled enough that we do all of these things. The one I do forget every once in a while is to inform the bank that we are on a trip. It has been "interesting" when that happens!

  9. We have a dog so we always have to find someone to watch him if he is unable to go with us. It has been a while since we have gone on vacation but if we go for an extended period of time, I stop the mail at the post office temporarily. They just collect the mail and hold it then deliver all of it when you set up the stop date. Don't forget about the newspaper. Automatic timers are a good idea and gives people the appearance that you are home.

  10. These are great tips. Charging electronics before leaving is essential. We also always remember to pack our chargers!!

  11. I'm getting ready to leave for a trip. Since I have pets, my pet sitter takes care of my pets and comes in several times a day.

  12. I'm so guilty of this one, I almost never remember to call my bank and let them know I am going out of town. Matter fact they have declined some of my charges because of it.

  13. I love that you listed this all. One of the things that I forgot to do before was inform my bank and it was such a huge hassle. I learned so much after that incident and I do all these things before we leave from now on.

  14. Nancy at Whispered InspirationsApril 13, 2018 at 10:22 AM

    Oh there are so many things on this list that are totally accurate. WOW!

  15. Very interesting! We don’t travel much so I wouldn’t think of any of these things if we were going to!

  16. Yes! We are away this weekend and we forgot to charge the iPads to occupy the kids in the car! I always forget!!!

  17. We recently went on a big trip to mexico, and it took a ton of planning. It really helps to be prepared, and well ahead of time, with things like this.

  18. Looks like some good advice. Always a good idea to be prepared for anything. You never know!

  19. I almost always forget to put my mail on hold. I love it when I get back and all the mail arrives.


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