Menu Plan Monday: Week of 2/19/18

by - 2/19/2018 10:30:00 AM

Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a pretty amazing weekend. My Valentine's day was great. I decided that we were going to keep the day pretty low key. With Christmas in December, My Birthday in January and Michael's Birthday in February it can start to be a little too much... Not to mention other special occasions in between. I wanted to give this year a break. I actually watched a YouTube video a couple of months ago when a married couple was stating how they planned out their year and each year the spouse is in charge of a holiday/special occasion. For example, One year the husband would have Valentine's Day and the next year it would rotate to the wife. I thought this was such a cool idea. For the last couple of months, I've been collecting items to give to Michael for Valentine's Day. I wasn't sure what I was going to do with the items. However, I decided to make him a candy bouquet which he loved. I had so much fun creating the bouquet. I used a mason jar, valentine's themed ribbon, wooden skewers and a couple of other items that I purchased at Target after Valentine's Day clearance last year. It felt so nice making stuff and putting my glue gun to work. What melted my heart, even more, was that Michael loved his gift. He was super excited to get it and was so happy that I included a PlayStation card.
Anywho, How was your Valentine's Day? Did you do anything special? Did the kiddos bring anything to school?

Menu Plan Monday

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  1. I really need to get with the program when it comes to meal planning. I usually keep it in my head. That's a quick ticket to not doing it at all though.

  2. I love meal planning for the week - I'm always so inspired to create something new and tasty. :) Looks like a great plan you've got here - my boyfriend would devour all of this aha. I couldn't eat much of it myself but I saw garlic bread and honestly, that's all I need. All day, every day. ;) xx

  3. yet another reminder to get this meal planning thing going. I always decide to do it and never come round to it.

  4. You plan meals so well, I cook whatever I can get my hands on except for weekends :D

  5. I have never been much of a meal planner but I am very appreciative of everyone who do! I am sure it helps one stay on track and healthy.

  6. Yes menu planning is the best way to avoid stress and boring when it comes to meals.Grear ideas

  7. How i wish i could plan a meal for my Amore, unfortunately I can't coz we are LDR. Also, when we are together on weekends, we prefer to dine out. Amore never trust me in the kitchen LOL.

  8. I need to start menu planning! I definetly agree that it is less stress to figure out what you have to eat once you have a plan


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~Mrs. Delightful